Sunday 13 October 2024


 The Subhashita neevi of Vedanta Desika is a short Kavya known in Sanskrit as Khanda kavya.  It is a book on morals and wisdom which go by the name of subhasita. A word about Neevi in the title Subhashita neevi means treasure, a knot particularly of feminine garment among other meanings.

          It belongs to a species of poetic composition called Padyam in which the poet goes on writing verses with varied ideas as and when they strike him.


  This work Subhashita Neevi is a short poem in a gross of verses divided into twelve chapters called Paddhatis with twelve slokas in each paddhati.  It is unique in several aspects.  This Kavyam is neither devotional nor philosophical, unlike the other works of the author.

          It is a didactic in its import and is intended to serve as a corrective to mankind by exposing its foibles and frailties and instructing it in the valuable norms of right social behaviour.

          In the very first Chapter called “Anipuna Paddhati means Unskilled Path” the author well narrated and shew his scholarliness or erudition that

Prathamasujanaaya pumse mahyamapi prathamadhurjanaaya namah l

Sarvam hathah krutham yau sakrudhupakaaraapakaaraabhyaam ll I - 1

A venerable bow to the Great Lord who is the first (best) good man and to me who is the first bad (worst) man; both of us whom by doing good or evil once will wipe off all the evil or good done so for respectively.

Wednesday 25 September 2024



            Author:   Sandipan Chattopadhyay

Original Version:  Bengali

Translator:             Arunava Sinha

Publisher; HarperCollins Publisher India

Genre; Literary and Contemporary Fiction

Buy the book  here @Amazon


Sandipan Chattopadhyay was one of the pioneers of the Hungryalist movement, who influenced the Indian languages by narrating the Bengali landscape in his Kritadas Kritadasi. He was awarded the Bankim Puraskar in the year 1995 and the Sahitya Academy Award in the year 2002.

The Translator Arunava Sinha is a famous translator especially from Bengali to English.  He has succeeded in completing the translation of eighty literary works.

The Selected stories titled “Ten Days of the Strike” written by Sandipan Chattopadhyay who is one of the most skillful short-story writers of his generation.  The collection of these Ten Stories is best known for his immensely popular day-to-day adventures of every common man of Kolkata.

These stories explore the macabre as well as natural and are marked by the sharp characterization and trademark expression that distinguish his narration.

This collection brings together ten different types of his stories like The Last Metro, Meerabai, Banabehari and I, and The Ivy Shome Murder Case (1978) which readers of the middle Age will enjoy.

This collection with nearly 330 and odd pages has been rendered into English from Bengali.  It’s a monumental effort reflecting the enormous dedication and unremitting labour of the translator over his assigned task.

Translating any work from one language into another is an arduous task, especially so if the work of translation consists of spoken words.

The sixth story of this collection, Banabehari and I is the largest one which is endowed with more than 80 pages chaptered with eleven scenes, some chapters with three, and some with ten parts in each.  In the scene five, part 6 begins with a dialogue format.

The translation was rightfully discharged by the translator through his duty to recreate the original into English without deviation from the source.  The English language found in this book reveals the “Bangabhasha” or “Vangavasi”.

The descriptive style of the vernacular language of the region merged with the theme of the novel and the anecdotes which are suitable to the country yards help to strengthen the structure of the novel.

The cover page was well designed by the illustrator Sourish Mitra which makes the readers visualize the theme of the story - Ten Days of the Strike the second one of this collection.   Particularly in this story, how the middle-class family overcame from the day to day problems like inexplicable conditions in the bathroom like blocking of the toilet, overflowing septic tank, endowed with many cockroaches and centipedes etc.,   

This collection provides the approach to lead a life with great courage, and positive thoughts, maintaining relationships, and in turn, it helps to develop the feeling of rejoicing.

The book has many experienced faces in the form of the characters which provokes the readers to understand reality.

This classic edition consists and is graced with many moving stories, that will inspire the readers.  Readers can take a few minutes here and there and read the stories to remind themselves of the good in the world.

The author was successful in presenting the ten stories lucidly.


(This book review is the part of Blogchatters Book Review program)

Tuesday 10 September 2024


 दश = TEN

The number 10 has many special qualities, including: 


In Pythagoreanism, 10 was considered the most perfect number because it is the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4. It was also a symbol of unity and completeness and was related to space.  


In numerology, 10 is associated with wholeness and unity and is the sum of 1 (the individual) and 0 (the infinite). It is also associated with leadership, karmic fulfillment, and career success. 

Decimal system:

10 is the base of the decimal numeral system, which is the most common way to represent numbers in written and spoken language. 

Other notable things:

10 is the highest possible score in Olympic competitions, and a woman's height is roughly 10 times the length of her hand. Crabs have 10 legs, and the Prime Minister lives at No.10 Downing Street. 

In Sanskrit, the following words indicate the number 10:-

1) दशदिशः (प्राची, आग्नेयी, दक्षिणा, नैर्ऋती, प्रतीची, वायवी, उदीची, ईशानी, ऊर्ध्वा, अधरा ) =

Ten Direction = East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West, North, North=East, Upwards and Downwards;

2)  दशदिक्पालाः (इन्द्रः, अग्निः, यमः, नैर्ऋतः, वरुणः, मरुत्, कुबेरः, ईशानः, ब्रह्मा, अनन्तः) =

Ten Direction = East = Indra, South-East = Fire, South = Yama, South-West = Nairruta, West = Varuna, North-West = Vaayu, North = Kubera, North-East = Siva, Upwards = Brahma, and Downwards = AadiSesha;

3) दशाङ्गुलयः (ङ्गुष्टा, तर्जनी, मध्यमा, अनामिका, कनिष्टिकादयः) = Ten Fingers =        Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring and Little Fingers in both hands;

4)   दशावतारः (मत्स्य, कूर्म, वराह, नरसिंह, वामन, परशुराम, श्रीराम, बलराम, कृष्ण, कल्की) =

Ten Incarnations of the Lord Vishnu = Fish, Tortoise, Wild-Boar, Lion-Man, Dwarf, Wielder of Axe, Sri Rama, BalaRama, SriKrishna and Kalki;

5) दशरथः = The celebrated Emperor who ruled Ayodhya and the father of Sri Rama.  He was capable of steering his chariot in all the Ten Direction = East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West, North, North=East, Upwards and Downwards;

6) दशाननः = The celebrated Demon Ravana who had ten heads.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2024)

Monday 9 September 2024



नव = NINE

The number 9 is revered in Hinduism and considered a complete, perfected and divine number because it represents the end of a cycle in the decimal system, which originated from the Indian subcontinent as early as 3000 BC. According to the Hindus, this number is denoted as a complete, perfected, and divine number as it completes a whole cycle of the decimal system.

We can say that Number 9 is a fortunate number as this number brings a prosperity, happiness and good luck in life. Number 9 is associated with Mars and its a powerful number but the people who are born on the dates 9, 18, 27 have an aggression issue as they easily get angry on small things.

In numerology, the number 9 is powerful. It represents completion, although not a final ending - more like the fulfillment of one cycle so that you can prepare to initiate the next one. It's a recognition of life's ongoing ebb and flow.

In Sanskrit, the following words indicate the number 9:-

1)  नवद्वाराणि or  छिद्राणि or रन्ध्राणि  

(नेत्रे नासिके कर्णौ मुखं चेति सप्त शिरोगतानि अधोगते द्वे पायूपस्थरूपे इत्येवं नव द्वाराणि ) = Nine gates of the human body = Two ears, two eyes,  two nostrils, and mouth are in the head for one's own experiences, and two are below for urination and defecation.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita Says:-

सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी। नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन्।।5.13।।

The embodied self, mentally resigning all actions as belonging to the city of nine gates (i.e., the body) and becoming self-controlled, dwells happily, neither himself acting nor causing the body to act.

2) नवरसाः (शृङ्गार, वीर, करुणा, हास्य, रौद्र, भयानक, बीभत्स,अद्भुत, शान्ताः) = The Nine Rasas

                  Sringara or the erotic, Vira or the heroic, Karuna or the pathos, Hasya or the comic, Raudra or the furious, Bhayanaka or the frightful, Bhibatsa or the loathsome, Adbhuta or the wonderful and Santa or the trsnquil are the nine rasas;

3)   नवनिधयः  (पद्म, महापद्म, शङ्ख, कच्छप, कुमुद, कुन्द, खर, नीलादयः) = Padma, Mahapadma is the great lotus flower, which symbolizes a lake double the size of Padma, Shankha, Makara, Kachchhapa, Kumuda, Kunda, Kharva, Nila;      

4) नवग्रहाः (आदित्यः, सोमः, मङ्गलः, बुधः, गुरुः, शुक्रः, शनिः, राहुः, केतुः) =  Nine Planets =                            Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,                                  Saturn, Rahu and Ketu; 

5) नवदुर्गाः (शैलपुत्री, ब्रह्मचारिणी, चंद्रघंटा, कूष्मांडा, स्कंदमाता, कात्यायनी, कालरात्रि, महागौरी,                                  सिद्धिदात्री) = Nine epithets of Goddess DurgaDevi =

Sailaputri, Brahmachaarini, ChandraGhantaa, Kooshmaandaa, Skandhamaathaa, Kaathyaayani, Kaalaraathri, MahaaGauri and SiddhiDhaatri.


(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2024)

Sunday 8 September 2024



अष्ट = EIGHT

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 8 represents victory, prosperity, and overcoming. Eight (Hachi) is also considered a lucky number in Japan, but the reason is different from that in Chinese culture. Eight gives an idea of growing prosperous because the letter () broadens gradually.

Within numerology, the number eight is ruled by the planet Saturn, just like the zodiac sign Capricorn. Saturn's key traits are perseverance and ambition, so it follows that those ruled by Saturn find themselves in leadership roles. They have a serious nature and are up to the challenge (pretty much any).

This number is often seen as a symbol of balance, power, and abundance. People with a special connection with the number 8 are believed to possess ambition, strength, and a strong sense of responsibility.

The number eight is just as significant in scripture as the number preceding it. God has designated it to be the number of regeneration, or resurrection. Eight also denotes a new beginning. It represents those who are connected to God through the Spirit of Life.

In Sanskrit, the following words indicate the number 8:-

1)  अष्टदिग्गजाः (ऐरावतः, पुंडरीकः, वामनः, कुमुदः, अंजनः, पुष्पदन्तः, सार्वभौमः, सुप्रतीकः)

                       Eight Elephants = Airavata, Pundarika, Vaamana, Kumuda,                               Anjana, Pushpadantham Saarvabhauma and Supratheeka ;

2) अष्टदिङ्नागाः or सर्पाः (नन्तः, गुलिकः, वासुकिः, शङ्खपालः, तक्षकः, पद्मः, महापद्मः, कार्कोटकः) =           Eight Serpants = Anantha, Gulika, Vasuki, Shankapala,        Thakshaka, Mahapadma, Padma and Karakodaka.;

3)   अष्टवसवः (धर, ध्रुव,सोम, अनल,अनिल,प्रभा,प्रत्युष,द्यौ) = Eight Vasu Deities =

Dhara, Dhruva, Soma, Anala, Anila, Prabha, Prathyoosha and Dhyau;

4) अष्टैश्वर्याणि (धनम्, धान्यमा, सन्तानम्, जयः, धैर्यम्, आयुधबलम्, राज्यम्, वाहनादीनि) = Eight types of Wealth = Cash and Gold, Paddy (food), Children,

Victory (success in life), Courage (Determination and single-minded focus to achieve success), Weaponry (intelligence and ability to make wealth), Kingdom (property), and Vehicles;

5) अष्टसिद्धयः (अणिमा, महिमा, गरिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्तिः, प्राकाम्यम्, ईशित्वम्, वशित्वम्) = Eight types of Success = Invisibility, Visibility, Heaviness, Lightness, Attaining, Fullfilling the desires, Rulingness, and Creating;

 (This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2024)

Saturday 7 September 2024



सप्त = SEVEN

The Pythagoreans invested particular numbers with unique spiritual properties. The number seven was considered to be particularly interesting because it consisted of the union of the physical (number 4) with the spiritual (number 3). In Pythagorean numerology the number 7 means spirituality.

In nature, you have the seven wonders of the world, seven colours of the rainbow, seven seas and seven continents. In the gambling world, the dots on the opposite sides of an ordinary dice sum to seven and there is a commonly-held belief that a series of seven shuffles will fully randomise a deck of cards.


In the metaphysical philosophy of numerology, the number 7 signifies the Greek deity Athena and the Roman deity Minerva, both goddesses of war and the city protectress. People affiliated with the number seven are believed to be insightful, intuitive, truthful, introspective, intellectual, and wise.

Number 7 is known as Sapta in Sanskrit and is a symbolic representation of various divine concepts and philosophies of Hindu Sanatana dharma and Sanskruthi. sahasrara, also known asbrahmarandra, which is at the top of the head, where when a child is born, there is a soft spot.

In Sanskrit, the following words indicate the number 7:-

1)  सप्तद्वीपाः (जम्बूद्वीप, प्लक्षद्वीप, शाल्मलद्वीप, कुशद्वीप, क्रौंचद्वीप, शाकद्वीप, पुष्करद्वीप.) = Seven intermediate oceans consist of salt-water, sugarcane juice, wine, ghee, curd, milk and water respectively.

2) सप्त महर्षयः (अत्रि, भृगु, कुत्स, वसिष्ट, गौतम, काश्यप, आङ्गीरसाः) = Seven Sages =                         Athri, Bhrugu, Kuthsa, Vasishta, Gauthama, Kasyapa and                 Angeerasa;

3)   सप्तस्वराः (षड्ज, ऋषभ, गांधार, मध्यम, पंचम, धैवत, निषादाः) = Seven notes on Indian                Classiscal Music = Shadja, Rishabha, Gandhaara,                               Madhyama, Panchama, Dhaivata, Nishaada.

4) सप्तपदार्थाः (द्रव्य, गुण, कर्म, सामान्य, विशेष, समवाय, आभावाः) = Seven Realities =               Substance, Quality, Action, Generality, Particularity, Inherence       and Negation;

5) सप्तवर्णाः  or सप्तरूपाणि (शुक्ल, नील, पीत, रक्त, हरित, कपिश, चित्राणि) = Seven Colours =                White, Blue, Yellow,  Red, Green, brown and Variegated;

6) सप्तवासराः (देभानुवासर, सोमवासर, भौमवासर, सौम्यवासर, गुरुवासर, शुक्रवासर, शनिवासराः) =

Seven Days = Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,                                    Thursday, Friday and Saturday;

7)  सप्तश्वाः or सप्ततुरगाः (वैगायत्री, उष्णिक्, अनुष्टुभ्, बृहती, पङ्क्ति, त्रिष्टुभ्, जगती ) =

          Seven Horses of the Sun God = The seven horses of the Sun       God are considered and named after the seven meters of Sanskrit prosody: Gayatri, Ushnik, Anushtubh, Bruhati, Pankti,   Trishtubh, and Jagati;

8)  सप्तशैलाः or सप्ताचलाः or सप्तगिरयःor सप्ताद्रयः or सप्तपर्वताः

          (महेन्द्रः, मलयः, सह्यः, शुक्तिमान् ,ऋक्षपर्वतः, विन्ध्यः, पारियात्रः)

                        Seven Mountains = Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, (Himavan)                Suktiman, Rksha, Vindhya and Pariyathra;

9)  सप्तमातरः (ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारी, वैष्णवी, वाराही, इन्द्राणी, चामुण्डा) =

Seven Maternal Deities = Brahmi, Mahesvari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Vaaraahi, Indraani, Chamundaa;


(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2024)


  The Subhashita neevi of Vedanta Desika is a short Kavya known in Sanskrit as Khanda kavya.   It is a book on morals and wisdom which go by...