
Gocaram is a word meaning perceptible.  Gocaram is wholly a word of Sanskrit origin.  It can be spotted in the metaphysical treatises  which dates back to 600 to 200 BC.  Gocaram initially denoted perceptibility.  If given a secondary meaning it can be used in the meaning of understanding.
Gocaram is widly used in Sanskrit literature.  As for as Nyaya - Sastra (Indian Logic) is concerned Gocaram takes a prominent place in the epostomological studies.  Gocaram is synonymous to the word “Pratyaksham”.  Perception is the apprehension born of the contact of the organ with an object.  The  organs are eye, ear, tongue, nose and skin.  The objects are those which we see, hear, taste, smell and touch.  Thei connection is known as contact.  That which is produced as a result of this contact is perception. 
The word Gocaram is   gae + crm!  = gae;u #iNÔye;u criNt #it,  The stem of the word Gocaram is gae  which means sense organs.  The root word is  cr!   which means to contact. So Gocaram denotes learning though sense organs.  A few famous usages of the word Gocaram
mansgaecrm!          =  with in the scope of the mind
ipt&sd!mgaecrm!      =  (Shiva’s) habitation in the abode of manes;
vacamgaecrm!         =  beyond the words.   
My blog titled Gocaram will carry articles in Sanskrit on a wide range of subjects.  

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