Wednesday, 26 April 2023



The science of commerce is called Vaanijyam commerce in Sanskrit.  The word “Commerce” means - an interchange of goods., merchandise of property of any kind between countries or communities, mercantile pursuits, trade, traffic, mutual dealings in common life etc.,  The record of transactions in business or trade in a regular manner is called trade . 

The main purpose is to make profits and make the rulers rich.  A person who does business or trade is called a trader or merchant.  Merchants were named after the nature of their business and the amount of capital they invested in it, like – Vanik = Trader, KrayaVikraya = Seller & Purchaser, Vaastika = Seller of Goods, Samsthaanika=member of commercial guild.

Navigation for the trade

There are references in the hymns of the Rgveda to the trade with distinct lands for profit:

वेदा यो वीनां पदमन्तरिक्षेम पतताम्। वेद ना वः समुद्रियः।

वेद वातस्य वर्तनिमुरोर्ऋष्वस्य बृहतः। वेदा ये अध्यासते॥

This above hymn indicates that ocean navigation was known to the Indians of those days.

Organisation of Trade and Business

YajnaValkya describes thus:

समवायेन वणिजां लाभार्थं कर्म कुर्वताम्। लाभालाभौ यथाद्रव्यं यथा वा संविदा कृतौ॥

The sharing of profits in partnership in accordance with the amount of capital investment by different partners keeping in view the agreement of the partnership concerned.

Article of Trade

YajnaValkyaSmriti (II-245&246) tells that

भेषज-स्नेह-लवण-गन्ध-धान्य-गुडादिषु। मृत्- चर्म-मणि-सूत्र-अयःकाष्ठ-वल्कल-वासताम्॥

The chief articles of trade, Medicinal herbs, ghee, salt, a fragrant root, grains, jiggery, asafoetida, black pepper, skin of the animals, crystal, ruby and other precious gems, silver, iron, sandalwood, cotton, silk and so on.

Price Fixation

स्वदेशपण्ये तु शतं वणिग्गृह्णीत पञ्चकम्। दशकं पारदेशे तु यः सद्यः क्रयविक्रयी॥

YajnaValkya has explained that 5% percent of profit for local goods and 10% of profit for foreign goods.  Here the word Sadyah indicates that if the sale takes place immediately then alone this condition would prevail.  If the sale is effected (takes place) after some time, the profit can be increased accordingly.

Fairdealings in Transactions

NaradaSmriti (VIII-9) says that

क्रीत्वा मूल्येन यः पण्यं दुःक्रीतं  मन्यते क्रयी। विक्रेतुः प्रतिदेयं तत्तस्मिन्नेवाह्न्यविक्षतम्॥

द्वितीयेऽह्नि ददत्क्रेता मूल्यात् त्रिंशांशमावहेत्। द्विगुणं तु तृतीयेऽह्नि परतः क्रेतुरेव तत्॥

If the object is to be returned, it should be done the same day.  If it is returned the second day, then the purchaser should give 1/30th part of the commodity.  After the third day it could not be returned.

(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterA2Z)

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