Tuesday, 11 April 2023



The study of the positions and movements of the stars and planets and the way that some people believe they affect people and events.  The scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, etc.

According to Sanskrit language Astrology and astronomy were archaically treated together,  but gradually distinguished through the Ages.  Developments in 17th century philosophy in astrology and astronomy operating as independent pursuits by the 18th century.  Whereas the academic discipline of astronomy studies observable phenomena beyond            the Earth's atmosphere,  the pseudoscience of astrology uses the apparent positions of    celestial objects as the basis for divination.

Details of the nine planets as dealt in Astronomy

Solar Energy

According to Taittreeya Aranyaka says that

येनेमा विश्वा भुवनानि तस्थुः। ततः क्षत्रं बलमोजश्च जातम्।

The world is due to the Sun God.  The living beings get their strength and energy from him.

मित्रो दाधार पृथिवीमुत द्याम्। मित्रः कृष्टीः।

The sun holds the earth and the celestial region.  Among of all heavenly bodies the Sun is the attracting power.

Cause of Eclipse

Aryabhateeya Golapaadah says that

छादयति शशी सूर्यं शशिनं महती च भूच्छाया ।

The Moon covers the Sun and the great shadow of the earth covers the moon.


(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterA2Z2023)

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