Monday, 17 April 2023



Oshadhi Sastram is a part of Ayurveda.  Ayurveda, is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where around 80% of the population report using it.  Vedic text says that  पृथिव्या ओषधयः, ओषधीभ्यो अनन्म् living creatures get their food from the plants in the

Parts of medicinal plants to be used

The method of collecting parts of plants is described in BhavaPrakasa the Sanskrit work on Ayurveda as follows:

अतिरथूलजटायाः स्युस्तासां ग्राह्यास्त्वचो बुधैः।  गृह्णीयात्सीक्ष्ममूलानि सकलान्यपि बुद्धिमान्।

महन्ति येषां मूलानि काष्ठगर्भाणि सर्वतः।  तेषां तु वल्कलं ग्राह्यं ह्रस्वमूलानि सर्वथा॥

In the case of plants with thick roots, the root-bark of is to be selected and in the case of Plants with thin roots, the whole root should be used.  In the case of trees with big roots and with much xylem, the bark is preferable and in the case of plants with slender roots the whole plants should be selected.

It shows that planting trees and plants is a sure way to good health, the Bharatiya way.  It is not a myth.  Moreover, Indians believed that growing trees was for the prosperity of human race.  

(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterA2Z)

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