Tuesday, 4 April 2023



Dhanurveda, the standard work on Vedic military science.  There are many references on this science found in the MahaBharata, the Agni Purana, Akasha Bhairava Tantra, Kautilya Arthashastra, Manusmriti, Matsya Purana,  Manasollasa, Yukti Kalpa Taru, Vishnudharmottara Purana, Veeramitrodaya, Samarangana Sootradhara, Shukraneeti, and other small works on Dhanurveda like Aushanas Dhanurveda, Vasishtha Dhanurveda, Sadashiva Dhanurveda and Neeti Prakashika are the only source of information on the subject left to us.

The book Dhanurveda Samhita takes into account all the data available to the form of various treatises of Dhanurveda, so that a factual and actual ideas of military science or the science of warfare in ancient India may be drawn for the modern day readers and researchers.

It is believed that the book Dhanurveda Samhita was authored by the great sage Vasishta.  This book is faithful rendering of the original composition of him who had it transmitted through a tradition of sages.  Actually Vasishta heard this science, which was advised by the Lord Siva to Parasurama the great.

अथोवाच महादेवो भार्गवाय च धीमते। तत्तेऽहं संप्रवक्ष्यामि यथातथ्येन संशृणु ॥1॥

Once King or royal sage Kausika (who later become as sage called Visvamitra) being desirous of victory, visited the great sage Vasishta, saluted and thus addressed, O! Revered Lord! I beg you to teach me, your humble disciple, the science of Archery for destruction of the enemies.  Vasishta replied him that O! King Visvamitra! Pay attention to what I say.  For the benefit and protection of sages, hermits, Vedas and cows, I am going to narrate you the secret of the art and sciences of Dhanurveda (Archery) which Parasurama learnt from Lord Siva.  This has attained an equal status as the Yajurveda and Atharvaceda Samhitas.

Methodss of Teaching Archery, Shooting techniques, measurements and characteristics of bows, qualities and varieties of string and arrows, holding the string, drawing the bow, position of draw, target practice, perfect, fast and long range shooting, movements of arrows, direction and speed, right speed, aiming while moving and through hearing, returning arrow etc are described in detail with more than 50 chapters in this book Dhanurveda Samhita.

Eg. For perfect shooting:

चक्षुषी स्पन्दयेन्नैव दृष्टिं लक्ष्ये नियोजयेत्। मुष्टिनाऽऽच्छादितं लक्ष्यं शरस्याग्रे नियोजयेत्॥20॥

The eyes should not move rather these should be fixed on the target which is covered by the mushti (Fist) and placed in front of the arrow.


(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterA2Z2023)

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