Monday, 24 April 2023



The main objective of the works on Sanskrit Poetics is to introduce the main schools of Sanskrit literary theories. The principal concepts of Sanskrit literary theories or poetics such as sentiments (rasas), suggestion (dhvani), figures of speech (alamkaras), literary merits (gunas), defects (doshas), propriety (aucitya), style (riti), the definition and classification of poetry, drama, prose, purpose of poetry,
equipment of the poet, the theory of deconstruction and such other matters related to literature are illustrated with suitable examples from Sanskrit literature. This book is intended to be a text book as well as a reference book for students of comparative literature and students of Sanskrit literature at Post-Graduate level in India and abroad. A special feature of the book is that it will help readers who do not know Sanskrit to grasp and appreciate the contents readily. Thus, knowledge of Sanskrit is not a pre-condition to understand the main aspects of literary theories of renowned Sanskrit Poeticians.  One such work is Ujjvala-nilamani written by Sri Rupa Gosvamin.


Rupa Goswami was a devotional teacher, poet, and philosopher of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. With his brother Sanatana Goswami, he is considered the most senior of the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan associated with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a hidden avatar of Krishna in Kali Yuga.

Sri Ujjvala-nilamani deals with every aspect of madhura-rasa. This book is the only definitive guide to madhura-rasa and ragamayi-bhakti.

Chapter 1 Varieties of Heroes Chapter 2 Male Friends Who Assist in the Arrangements of Krishna's Pastimes with the Gopis Chapter 3 Lord Krishna's Amorous Lovers Chapter 4 Srimati Radharani Chapter 5 Varieties of Heroines Chapter 6 Varieties of Leaders of the Gopis Chapter 7 Varieties of Messengers Chapter 8 Srimati Radharani's Friends Chapter 9 Lord Krishna's Beloved Gopis Chapter 10 That Which Stimulates Ecstatic Love Chapter 11 Anubhava Ecstasy Chapter 12 Sattvika Ecstasy Chapter 13 The Vyabhicaris Chapter 14 Steady Ecstasy Chapter 15 Varieties of Conjugal Love Chapter 16 Conjugal Pleasure.


(This Blog post is a part of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterA2Z )

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