Monday, 21 March 2022

Memorable Day - World Poetry Day


Today is very important and an auspicious day because of World Poetry Day.  We highly fortunate for being literate and educated.  “Kavih karothi kaavyaani laalayathi utthamo janaha l Tharuf prassothe kusumaani Vaayur vahathi saurabham ll”.  Yes, poet renders poem, the reader becomes its connoisseur. Likewise a tree puts forth the flowers, the fragrance was spread by the wind. It is true. The poem gives the aesthetic pleasures to the readers who become Sahrudayas.  “Na anrushi kuruthe kaavyam” means save a sage none else is competent to produce poetry, because, “Kavih kraantha-darsee” means the Poet is one who sees far ahead.

The prologues of the great Indian Epics Ramayanam and Maha-Bharatham reveals out clearly how those two sages Vaalmeeki and Vyaasa, before giving shape of form or content to their masterpieces resorted to a self-integrating process through contemplation.

“Upavishtah kathaascha anyaas chakaara dhyaanam aasthithaha l thadhgathenaiva manasaa Vaalmeekir dhyaanam aasthithaha llmeans, Seated, he composed the various episodes in deep contemplation and Vaalmeeki giving himself to the theme, sat wrapped in deep thought.

Vyaasa was also similarly employed:“Pravisya yogam jnaanena so apasyath sarvam anthathaha” means, He entered into deep and knowledgeful contemplation and discovered within himself the entire subject matter.

Aananda Vardhana says that “so arthas thadhvyakthi-saamarthyayogee sabdhascha kaschana l Yathnathaf prathyabhijneyau thau sabdharthau mahakaveh llmeans, Such an expression must be employed which alone adequately would disclose to us the significance of the thought inlaid.  If word and content perfectly synchronize in their purpose then who employs them invariably happens to be MahaKavi the Great Poet.

The Great Tamil Poet of Revolution Bharathiyar appreciates the workmanship of the Great Indian Artist Raja Ravi Varma that “Malarinil neelavaanil maadharaar mugatthilellam Ilagiya Azhagai Eesan Iyattrinaan ….. Alagilaa Arivukkannaal Anaitthaiyum nugarumaare” means, God created subtle beauty in the flower, in the blue sky, on the faces of maidens, in order to enjoy the entire life with our measureless  


Aptly Kalidasa says, “Kimiva hi madhuraanaam mandanam na aakrutheenaam” means, To those whose forms are delightful to look at, what indeed does not constitute an ornament?

Aesthetic pleasures are endless and inexplicable.  

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