Thursday, 3 March 2022




Written by Dr.Vivek Mansing with Rachna Thakurdass, “Achieving Meaningful success” in the form of an autobiography partially is capable of inspiring even a common man who is ambitious to become successful.

  A well composed manual which can be a mentor to the aspirants who wish to be enlightened, revolves around the life of the author a renowned Mentor, Global leader, Entrepreneur, Author, Innovator and so on, as he shares his experiences and the minutest of details of his life.   

This book is eminently chaptered with main theme titles like Capture your aspirations, Become the best version of yourself, Take ownership of your well-being, Learn from the best and The proof is in the pudding. 

The portion “Author’s note” gives outline of the book and insists the readers to get benefited.  The author emphasizes that “I believe everyone needs and deserves a mentor”.  Happiness is essential which can be achieved only by knowing ourselves rather than doing any physical activities like practice of Yoga. 

In the first chapter titled “My journey to meaningful success: Lessons learnt,” the lines from the Page 15 “It was time to go back to my wheel of goals, evaluate my life situation and create a ten-year plan for this new phase of life” prompts the readers that after achieving the goal with success, one should not stop.  Again he must set another set of goals which will enable one to reach the esteemed position in his career.  This idea influences the readers to know and understand the key points of success. 

Particularly In the second chapter titled “Define your wheel of goals: Capture your aspirations!” urges the readers towards the success. The lines from the page 19, “You see, there is no rewind button in life.  There is no undo future! Hence, it is critical to plan now so that there are no regrets later” teach the readers to face the crisis without seeing the past and advises to march forward on their chosen journey.

In the third chapter titled “Passion: The miracle ingredient” the author highlighted that passion generates enthusiasm and excitement with involvement to achieve goals.

In the fourth chapter titled “Excellence: Becoming the best you can be” the author motivates the aspirants with seven steps to Excellence.

In the fifth chapter titled “Think outside the box: Creativity and innovation” the author advises that everyone should learn to think out of the box by which one can improve his own creativity and innovation by practicing it,  challenging oneself and following the structured process.

In the sixth chapter titled “Leadership: Becoming 20 feet tall” from the page 94, Ten Points about the Success factors of leaders familiarizes  the readers to acquaint the leadership qualities. These ideas echoes the same advice of Lord Sri Krishna in his Bhagavad Gita that “For whatever a great man does, that very thing other men do so; whatever standard he sets up, the generality of men follow the same.”  Leadership inculcates one to achieve higher level of success one after another with the spirit of team work.

In the seventh chapter titled “Entrepreneurship: Changing the world” the author insists that the entrepreneurship is a fantastic career path that offers a tremendous opportunity to leave one’s mark.

In the eighth chapter titled “You need four more Gods” - Inspirers, Role models, Mentors and the Books, the author has skillfully pointed out the indispensable guidelines from these four persons.  All these four are different from each other.  The last God is the book. The necessity of the book is similar to the advice from Bhagavad Gita that “A book in the form of scripture alone is the reader’s guide in determining what should be done and what should not be done.”

In the ninth chapter titled “Relationships: What matter most” the author quoted the sayings of Tony Robbins “the quality of life is the quality of relationships.” It makes the readers to understand that a single man represents himself to others with his professional and social conditions and he should not lose his relationships with them.

In the tenth chapter titled “Mind-body-soul: The key to wellness” 

The author welcomes the readers to question him or clarify their doubts through social media.  The aim of the author is to be a mentor for million young people.  Dr.Vivek Mansingh has exemplified the great masters with meaningful success namely Ratan Tata, Narayan Murthy, Sadhguru ji, John Champers, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Dr. Devi Shetty, Rahul Dravid, Prakash Padukone, Vinita Bali, Vani Kola, Ramesh and Swati Ramanathan and also shared the lessons from their lives to motivate the readers.

The author has acknowledged his gratefulness towards those persons who were directly and indirectly supported, co-operated, coordinated, encouraged and so on.

Each and every chapter of this book is weaved in such a way so as to serve the readers as a mentor to help them achieve meaningful success.

This book can be viewed in the same light as in the work Malavika-Agnimitram of Kalidasa thus:

“Artham saprathibandham prabhuradhiganthum sahaayavaaneva l

  Drusyam Thamasi na pasyathi Dheepena vinaa sachakshurapi ll

 “He who has assistance is alone competent to realize an object which has impediments. A person though possessed of eyes, does not see an object in darkness without the aid of a lamp.”





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