Saturday, 26 March 2022


    Children read for fun, and in the process, develop better reading skills and abilities to enjoy more reading. Because reading children's literature stimulates a child's imagination, reading provides an important visual experience. Introducing books to children at an young age is an essential task which all parents should bear in mind.

Vishnu Sharma, Rabindranath Tagore and Rudyard Kipling are the ones whom I started to read in my high school level. Apart from academics, extra curricular activities like  drawing, swimming and other games are given importance than reading books in those days. 

Introducing Children to various genres of books helps to bring out their creativity in the best possible way. Parents, schools and teachers should try to find ways to foster the habit of reading among children.

 Yesterday For the first time I attended a session with three women children authors talking about "WRITING BOOKS THAT CHILDREN ENJOY". 

The  catchy point in the discussion is "Don't be Preachy" by Khyrunnisa. Exactly, that is what children want. We in the teaching profession face this type of reactions from children. Children need everything to be fun, adventurous and want everything to be taught to them in the play way method. The discussion was of sharing their experience as authors and presented the best ways to deal with writing for children. The three women answered the questions like :  

challenges in writing for children

Targeting different age groups

Writing and selling books

Tips for  children writing 

The synergy between the author and the illustrator

Quite an interesting session  created by Blogchatter  as a part of #Blogchatterwritfest. Those who have missed, has a chance to watch the discussion here :

(Written as part of BlogchatterWritFest  :

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