Wednesday, 16 February 2022



The story of Bheranda birds

In the bank of a certain water-pond, there lived a bird by name Bheranda with one stomach with and double face and separated neck.  When it was roaming on the sea-shore, saw a fruit which was equal to the ambrosia by taste, which was carried by the waves.  Then the first face of that bird ate the fruit and said thus: Alas! I have already eaten many fruits which were brought by the waves of the sea.  But this one is so unique. Whether was this one from the divine trees like Paarijaatha or Harichandhana?  Whether was this created by the Lord Creator unknowingly? Then the second face of the same bird started to speak thus:  Hey! If it is so, please share little bit, with me to enjoy the sweet taste of fruit.  On hearing this, the first one spoke with the second with fun thus: Hey! We are having one and the same stomach. Contentment is also same. What is the use of eating this fruit separately?  It will be nice by sharing this remained fruit with my wife.  By telling so the Bheranda bird gave the fruit to his wife.  After tasting that fruit the female bird highly delighted and congratulated the first neck of his beloved one.  From that day, the second neck of the male bird grief-stricken maintained great silence.  In the very next day, the second neck of the Bheranda bird got a poisonous fruit.  Then it started to speak with the first neck thus: Oh! The merciless!  Worst among the Bheranda birds! Cunning one!  Today I had a poisonous fruit.  Being insulted by you, I am going eat this fruit.  Immediately the first neck stopped the second neck thus: Oh! The fool! No. Don’t eat. If you do so, we both will be perished.  But the second neck didn't consider the words of the first and ate the fruit by thinking ill-treating of the first neck.  What shall we speak? It is well known that though they are found with two necks but one and the same only. The bird become dead.

Moral of the story:

“Ekodharaaf pruthak-greeva Anyonya phala bhakshinah l

  Asamhathaa vinasyanthi Bheranda iva pakshinah ll

The persons those who are having difference in their opinions should discuss and find out the solution.  If they don’t do, definitely they will be perished like the Bherunda birds which had the one and the same stomach though they had two necks/faces and which were not having integrity. 

(This story is taken from the titled Apareekshitha Kaarakam - the 5th volume of the book PanchaThanthram which has five volumes viz., MitraBedhah, MitraLaabhah, Kaakolookeeyam, Labdhapranaasam and AparikshitaKaarakam written by Vishnu Sarma was an Indian scholar.  The exact period of the composition of the Panchatantra is uncertain, and estimates vary from 1200 BCE to 300 CE.

(#WriteAPageADay, today's word count = 420)

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