Saturday, 23 December 2023


दिक्कालाद्यनवच्छिन्नानन्तचिन्मात्रमूर्तये । स्वानुभूत्येकनामाय नमः शान्ताय तेजसे ॥

dik-kaalaadyanavachchhinna-anantachinmaatra-moortaye .

svaanubhootyekanaamaaya namah' shaantaaya tejase .

To that God who is beyond dimensions of direction and time;
an embodiment of pure intellect;
can be understood only through one's own self effort and experience;
brilliant and peaceful.

यां चिन्तयामि सततं मयि सा विरक्ता साप्यन्यमिच्छति जनं स जनोऽन्यसक्तः ।

अस्मत्कृते च परिशुष्यति काचिदन्या धिक् तां च तं च मदनं च इमां च मां च ॥

yaam chintayaami satatam mayi saa viraktaa

saapyanyamichchhati janam sa jano'nyasaktah' .

asmatkri'te cha parishushyati kaachidanyaa

dhik taam cha tam cha madanam cha imaam cha maam cha .

To whom I am thinking constantly she is indifferent to me; she is thinking another man and he is yearning after a third person; some other woman is longing for me; shame to that woman, to him, to the stupid cupid (God of Love), to this woman and to myself.

प्रसह्य मणिमुद्धरेन्मकरवक्त्रदंष्ट्राङ्कुरात् समुद्रमपि संतरेत्प्रचलदुर्मिमालाकुलम् ॥

भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारयेत् न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत्॥

prasahya manimuddharenmakaravaktradamsht'raankuraat

samudramapi santaretprachaladurmimaalaakulam ..

bhujangamapi kopitam shirasi pushpavaddhaarayet

na tu pratinivisht'amoorkhajanachittamaaraadhayet .

One can forcibly take out a jewel from the jaws of crocodile; he can cross the sea full of high waves; he can even put the irritated snake on his head like a flower, but he cannot appease a foolish man of strong notions.

लभेत सिकतासु तैलमपि यत्नतः पीडयन् पिबेच्च मृगतृष्णिकासु सलिलं पिपासार्दितः ।

कदाचिदपि पर्यटन्शशविषाणमासादयेन् न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत् ॥

 labheta sikataasu tailamapi yatnatah' peed'ayan

pibechcha mri'gatri'shnikaasu salilam pipaasaarditah' .

kadaachidapi paryat'anshashavishaanamaasaadayen

na tu pratinivisht'amoorkhajanachittamaaraadhayet .. 5..

Fool’s mind: We can extract oil from a fistful of sand, by effort;
quench our thirst by drinking water from a mirage;
fetch horn of a rabbit by exploring the earth;

but cannot appreciate and understand a knave's mind. 

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