Sunday, 31 December 2023



This new year let us make a resolution or a better intention to adopt to a healthy start.  Here are the few points necessary to be observed.

 For a healthy living three things matter the most - Food, Sleep and Exercise.  There are numerous Sanskrit texts highlighting the importance of the above three things.  I quote few lines from the scripture AshtangaHrdaya dealing with Aahaara (Food), Nidraa (Sleep) and Vyaayaama (Exercise).

Mindful eating

*सर्वत्र नूतनं  शस्तं ।* Always prefer things that are Fresh.. 

*अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्।* Anything consumed in Excess, just because it tastes good, is not good for Health. Be moderate. 

Mindful chewing

*अजवत् चर्वणं  कुर्यात् * Chew your Food like a Goat.

(Never swallow food in a hurry. Saliva aids first in digestion.) 

Regular meal schedules

*क्षुत्साधुतां जनयति * Hunger increases the taste of food.  In other words, eat only when hungry.

*जठरं पूरयेदर्धम् अन्नैर्, भागं जलेन वायोः संचरणार्थाय तुर्थमवशेषयेत् ।।*

Fill your Stomach half with Solids, (a quarter with Water and rest leave it empty.)

Rainbow plate

*नास्ति मूलमनौषधम् * There is No Vegetable that has no medicinal benefit to the body.

*नित्यं सर्वा रसा भक्ष्याः ।।* Take the food that has all six tastes. (viz: Salt, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, Astringent and Pungent).

Sleep and wake up at proper time

समये भोजनं निद्रा समये स्नानमाचरेत् । व्यायाम समये कुर्यात् यमो भीतो भविष्यति

One should eat at the right time and take a bath at the right time.

Exercise on time and Yama will be afraid. 

One should wake up before sunrise because the environment remains pollution free at that time. The quantity of vital air (oxygen) remains the highest. In the morning, due to the influence of the environment, useful chemicals are secreted in our body which provide energy and enthusiasm. The time of Brahma Muhurta is from 3.30 am to before sunrise.

Movement or activity-Exercise or Practising Yoga

*व्यायामश्च शनैः शनैः।* Do any Exercise slowly. (Speedy exercise is not good.) 

*भुक्त्वा शतपथं गच्छेद् यदिच्छेत् चिरजीवितम् * Never sit idle after taking Food. Walk for at least half an hour. 

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु। युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा॥ Says Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

Those who are disciplined in eating and recreation, balanced in work, and regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yoga.

This new year let us commit to these wellness tips and prioritize health for a vibrant year ahead.

Wishing you a happy healthy and a prosperous New Year 2024. 

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