Tuesday, 23 April 2024




Tejasvati was A heroine in a story in Kathasaritsagara in Sanskrit intended to show that all happenings either good or bad are but the workings of fate. Tejasvati was the daughter of king Vikramasena of Ujjayini and was very beautiful. She never liked any male and so never wished to marry.

One day while she was sitting upstairs in her palace, she happened to see a young man passing that way and surprisingly was attracted by him. She sent her companion to him and informed him of her liking for him. He did not like the idea first, but the clever persuasions of the maid made him agree to a clandestine meeting with the princess at a temple at night that day. Tejasvati anxiously waited for the night to come. About that time a Rajput prince greatly grieved at the loss of his father and subsequent loss of his kingdom started on a tour to see an old friend of his father. That night, by sheer accident, he came and rested in the same temple where the rendezvous of the princess was fixed.

When night fell the princess came to the temple and without the least suspicion went and embraced the solitary figure sitting in the temple. The prince did not show any surprise and responded fully. The princess then understood all details of her lover and took him to his father the next morning. Somadatta (that was the prince's name) then told Vikramasena all his mishaps and Vikramasena got back all the lost kingdom of Somadatta and also gave his daughter in marriage to him.


(I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and hyperlink  https://www.theblogchatter.com)

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