Thursday, 11 April 2024




Jaambavati was a daughter of famous Jaambavan.  According to the 4th chapter of Devi Bhagavatam, Sri Krishna went in search of the famous precious stone Syamantaka which was lost when Prasena wore it and went to the forest for hunting.  Krishna found it in the cave of Jaambavan, who fought with him and was defeated.  Finally he gave his daughter Jaambavati to Sri Krishna as wife, and the jewel Syamantaka as dowry.

Sri Krishna came to his capital Dvaaraka with his wife Jaambavati.  When sons were born to the other wives of Krishna, she became sad and requested her husband that sons may be born to her also.  On hearing this request, Krishna went to the mountain where the hermit Upamanyu was engaged in penance.  With that hermit who was an ardent devotee of Siva, as his teacher, Krishna began a penance before Siva, in accordance with Upamanyu’s advice.

The penance, holding Yogadhanda and Kapaala (devotee’s staff and skull) lasted for a month.  In the second month penance was performed standing on one leg and drinking only water.  In the third month he did penance standing on toes only, and using air as food.  After six months Paramasiva appeared and blessed him that his wives would have ten sons each.  Accordingly Jaambavati gave birth to her first son who was named Saamba.


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