Thursday, 18 April 2024




    Priyadarsika is the heroine of the play PRIYADARSIKA written by the great emperor HarshaVardhana of Kannauj.   She was also called Aaranyika up to the time of denouement, because she was found in a forest.

Priyadarsika is colourless character, possessing no stricking intellectual or moral qualities.  She belongs to the variety of heroines  known as Mugdha, who is defined as “Mugdhaa navavaya kaamaa rathau vaamaa mrudhu krudhi”.  She is represented as a young maiden of rare beauty.

As soon as the king catches sight of her he bursts into a panegyric of her beauty “Paathaalaath bhuvanaavalokana dhiyaa kim naagakanyaa sthithaa” When she sees the king she falls in love with him and remarks that her father was right in promising her to him, thus preferring him to other suitors “Ayam sa mahaaraajah, yasyaaham thaathena dhatthaa, sthaane khalu thaathasya pakshapaathah”. She is extremely timid and sensitive.  She laments that her passion is hopeless and will never find its fulfilment.

She therefore longs for death that would relieve her of her sorrow – “Sarvathaa maranam varjayithvaa kuthah me hrudhayasya anyaa nirvruthih”.   Fortunately, she is cheered up and helped by her friend Manorama.  But she gives way to sorrow and despondency to such an extent that she actually takes poison.

Thus Priyadarsika evinces none of those qualities which constitute a great character.  There is, however, on admirable trait in her character also.  She does not reveal her identity to the last, even to her confidante Manorama and this speaks highly for her keen sense of family honour.

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