Sunday, 5 November 2023




Bhaaravi was one of the most famous Sanskrit Poet.  He belongs to the 16th century AD.  His illustrious Major Epic-Poem is “Kiraathaarjuneeyam” in which the story of Arjuna who went Himalayas to pursue the Paasupathaastram - a divine missile from the Lord Siva, after pleasing through the fight with Him.

The Poetic lustre of Bhaaravi is compared to that of the Sun. (Bhaa=lustre; Ravih=The Sun)  The popular saying regarding Bharavi “भारवेरर्थगौरवम्” means Bhaaravi Excels In Depth Of Meaning shows the special skill of Bhaaravi.

1. Draupadi’s words to Dharmaraja to kindle his fire of Anger:

व्रजन्ति ते मूढधियः पराभवं  भवन्ति मायाविषु ये न मायिनः ।

प्रविश्य हि घ्नन्ति शठास्तथाविधानसंवृताङ्गान्निशिता इवेषवः ॥ १.३०॥

Foolish and innocent people get insulted by fraudulent fellows.  They (fraudulent) destroy them (foolish people) entering into their weak and vulnerable points like sharp arrows piercing in to the hearts of warriors that are without armour.

A fraud must be dealt with by fraud.  Modesty is useless and harmful in case of deceit.

2. Draupadi says to Dharmaraja in the same exciting tone:

अवन्ध्यकोपस्य विहन्तुरापदां  भवन्ति वश्याः स्वयमेव देहिनः ।

अमर्षशून्येन जनस्य जन्तुना     न जातहार्देन न विद्विषादरः ॥ १.३३॥

People will be loyal and obedient to a Ruler (or Leader) who protects their interests and whose anger is fruitful.  Otherwise they don’t like either to fear him or to love him (ignoring his anger or love).

Anger is a vice.  But proper and effective anger at times is a virtue.

3. Dharmaraja advises Bheemasena not to take the path of hasiness:

सहसा विदधीत न क्रियामविवेकः परमापदां पदम् ।

वृणते हि विमृष्यकारिणं गुणलुब्धाः स्वयमेव सम्पदः ॥ २.३०॥

Any act should not be done rashly.  Imprudence is the root cause of all calamities.  Wealth, fond of virtues solicits and embraces him who is always discriminative.

Thoughtless and rashness are always harmful.

4. Draupadi encourages Arjuna to do penance showing the importance of perseverance:

यशोऽधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्य-सङ्ख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा ।

निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजां   समुत्सुकेवाङ्कमुपैति सिद्धिः ॥ ३.४०॥

Success will be in the lap of those who have much devotion and courage and who intend to obtain fame or to enjoy happiness or to be counted as excellent people.

Devotion and ceaseless effort produce the desired fruits.

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