Sunday, 12 November 2023



Man is the most magnificent of creation on whom God has lavished many excellences including that of intellect.  The scriptures and seers prescribe Purushartha Chathushtayam=Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha as the four aims which men should seek to attain.  One should distinctly remember that of these Dharma is the basis for the attainment of the other three aims.  

“Money moves the world” goes the saying.  But it is important that money should be earned by methods conforming to Dharmic principles.  The other aims too should be firmely rooted in Dharma.

Our famous Epic Ramayana says that in ancient days,

“Sarve Naraascha Naaryascha Dharmaseelas Susamyathaah l

 Sahithaah Seela-vrutthaabhyaam Maharshaya ivaamalaah ll”

All men and women were animated by a desire to practise Dharma=Righteousness; they were pure in their conduct and resembled sages in this respect. (Val. Ram. Bal. Kan.VI.9)

“Dharmo rakshathi rakshithaha” means “Protect Dharma and Dharma will protect you”.

So, we will strive to adopt, practise and perform Dharmic deeds.

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