Sunday, 26 February 2023


Author : Biswajit Banerji

Publisher : Locksley Hall Publishing LLP

Genre : Literary and contemporary fiction

Buy at :Amazon

 There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” “Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.” 

Smile, laughter happiness are the trio for which humans long and never reject. The human life is always in search of health, happiness and prosperity. Everyone in his/her life undergoes certain situations that brings tension, stress and worry. To overcome these, we the humans try to divert our mind and heart towards a better place. Some get into music, paintings and books etc.

Among the crores of books in this world, here is a book with title HAPPIMESS. This may be interpreted as "Finding happiness even in the mess". In this hurried world every one during their chores meet with varied and weird circumstances where they directly or indirectly responsible for the cause. The consequences differ according to the situation. With these as the major themes, the Author BISWAJIT BANERJI has a created a collection of tickling humour and prickling satire. He is a prolific humourist and author of hundreds of bestsellers - all in his dreams. In reality this is his debut book.

 Literature generally refers to any written or spoken material in any language. It encompasses every sphere of human life like culture, tradition, history, psychology etc. Poetry, short story, drama, novel etc are the various genres in the world literature. 

Literature is the most effective mode of expression to represent this world. To depict the human life in all its richness, it uses a distinctive form to expresses various emotions and feelings. These varied emotional expressions are called RASA. The Nine emotions included are termed as NAVARASA. They are (SHINGARA) love, (HASYA) humour,(KARUNA) grief, (RAUDRA) rage,(VEERA) valour, (BHAYANAKA) fear,(BIBHATSYA) disgust,(ADBUTHA) wonder and (SHANTHA) tranquillity. 

Hāsya (Sanskrit: हास्य) is a Sanskrit word for one of the nine rasas or bhava (mood) of Indian aesthetics, usually translated as humour or comedy. The colour associated with hasya is white and deity, Pramatha, and leads to exultation of the mind. This rasa is the manifestation of amusement and delight. This emotion is expressed when witnessing objects or events that evoke amusement. Haasam (laughter) is the predominant emotion of this rasa.

 There’s more to Sanskrit than most Indians realise. Sure, there were the Vedas, the myths and legends, but there was also humour, satire, biting mockery, of those in power and of fools, of fake godmen and even the gods.  In Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha, a compilation of Sanskrit proverbs and parables, is an interesting verse describing a whimsical conversation between the Hindu god Shiva and his consort, goddess Parvati. It has wordplay, a dash of irreverence, and a neat conclusion.

Here in this book HASYA plays a predominant role and is successfully in keeping the readers happily laughing throughout the reading time.  The book has received delightful reviews from top bloggers. This can be read at any time and anywhere simply whenever one is feeling boredom or in low spirits. Starting from the book cover, title, dedication, acknowledgements and through the contents swiftly divided into 13 chapters is a workout for our facial muscles (The best exercise for a sleeker face is to smile as much as you can. When you smile, your entire facial muscles stretch, which in turn help to lose fat from your cheeks.)

This book is definite to attract and find readers from all walks of life and fulfils its duty as a stress busters for a healthy living in a healthy society.

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Sunday, 19 February 2023



मोहमुद्गरं of Sankaracharya (8th century A.D.) is another gnomic poem having a philosophical theme.  It recommends the giving up of all worldly pleasures. For more details read here

वेदान्तदेशिकः of 13th century A.D. is the author of सुभाषितनीवी a work containing 145 verses of wise sayings, on the model of नीतिशतकं of भर्तृहरिः.

Swamy Desikan’s SubhAshitha Neevi is a didactic lyrical Masterpiece comprising of wise and pithy sayings to guide us about our conductance in day to day life. This is a must to read and listen work for us to lead a righteous life each day.

Swamy Desikan, responded to the fervent appeal of one of his disciples, a king to bless him and his subjects with a good code of conduct, by bestowing this Neethi kavya known as ‘Subhshita neevi’. It contains 144 slokas in Sanskrit . The advise tendered by Swamy Desikan has a universal appeal and is relevant for all times.

It has 12 chapters, five of which covers the mind set of unrighteous ones (theeyavar mana nilai). The remaining 7 chapters describe the mental frame of the righteous Ones.
A disciple of Swamy Desikan was a king with the name of Singa BhUpAlan. He begged his AchAryan to bless him and his citizens with sadhupadEsam (auspicious codes of conduct) and the compassionate AchAryan responded to his sishyan’s plea with this neethi kaavyam containing 144 slOkams. It has been pointed out that one can interpret the meanings of some slOkams in 20 different ways because of their depth of thought. The upadEsams of Swamy Desikan has eternal relevance and is very appropriate for the rightful conductance of modern day statesman and citizens.

(A) The first 5 chapters deal with the conduct of an asamarTan (dullard and vicious one, who is unskilled).

The names of the 5 chapters associated with he asamarTan are:
1. anipuNa Paddhathi
2. Truptha (Garvee) Paddhathi
3. Khala Paddhathi
4. dhurvruttha Paddhathi
5. asEvya Paddhathi
(Dullard’s state)
 (Egotist’s state)
 (DushtA’s state)
 (state of one with heinous conduct) 
(State of one, who should not be approached). The codes of conduct described in these 5 chapters have to be rejected by any one, who wishes to follow a righteous way of life.

(B) The remaining 7 chapters deal with the conduct of the righteous ones for emulation by us all:
1. MahaaPurushaPaddhathi:(MindsetofMahaans)

2. Sama-chitthaPaddhathi:(Mindsetofonewithequanimity)
3. SadhAsrithaPaddhathi:(Mindsetofthose,whoseektherighteousones)
4. NeethimathPaddhathy:(Mindsetofone,whodoesnotswervefromrightfulway.
5. VadhAnyaPaddhathi:(theconductofthemostgenerous)
6. (SukaviPaddhathiand:(mindsetofanauspiciouspoet/sukavi)
7. Pareekshitha Paddhathi: (mind set of one who has passed the tests).
The upadEsams housed in the above 7 chapters have to be implemented as code of conduct for the righteous one.

The extraordinary wisdom of Swamy Desikan in analyzing the conduct of the righteous and the unrighteous (Saadhus and the dushtAs) is seen in this kaavyam. Out of his compassion as a caring AchArya, Swamy Desikan bequeathed to us his SadupadEsams in SubhAshitha Neevi to practise and gain “dhaiveem Sampath” that GithAchAryan discusses.

So numerous are the didactic poems in Sanskrit that even a mere mention of their names is beyond the scope of a small work like this.

Sunday, 12 February 2023

कामन्दकीय - नीतिसारः (NITISAARA OF KAAMANDAKA)


           In the galaxy of Niti texts in Sanskrit literature, texts like विदुरनीतिः Vidura Niti, चाणक्यनीतिः Chanakya Niti, भर्तृहरिः Bharthruhari, कामन्दकः Kamandaka etc, are very popular.  Among them, the moral sayings of कामन्दकः Kamandaka find a unique place.

         Kamandaka shines as the one and only authority in the field of our Ancient Indian Raja Niti Sastra (The science of Diplomacy). His glory is appreciated by all, even by the present day scholars. His science of morality is being read by all at all the times. By his works, he proves himself as the protector of moral sciences. In the Kamandaka Niti Sastra, We can find only sixty verses. Selected verses are given here.

  राजधर्माःQualities of kings

1.धार्मिकं पालनपरं सम्यक्परपुरञ्जनम्    राजानमभिमन्यन्ते प्रजामतिमिव प्रजाः ।।

         The King who is virtuous, dedicated in protecting citizens, and brave in capturing the forts & cities of the enemies, is treated by his subjects consider as Lord brahma.

 2.न्यायेनार्जनमर्थस्य रक्षणं वर्धनं तथा।  तत्पात्रप्रतिपत्तिश्च राजवृत्तं चतुर्विधम् ।।

         The following are the four righteous way of life of a virtuous king – i) Accumulating wealth through righteous way. ii) protecting the accumulated wealth iii) multiplying it. iv) and distributing it for needy in wright time.

 3.आत्मानं प्रथमं राजा विनयेनोपपादयेत्।  ततोऽमात्ययांस्ततो भृत्यांस्ततः पुत्रांस्ततः प्रजाः।।

         At first a king should respect his own self humbly, then the ministers, attendants, his sons and finally the subjects. 

 4.प्रभावः शुचिता मैत्री त्यागः सत्यं कृतज्ञता  कुलं शीलं दमश्चेति गुणाः सम्पत्तिहेतवः ।।

         The following qualities are the main causes of the accumulation of a king’s wealth : i) His personal glory,  ii) Cleanliness (both internal & external), iii) Friendship, iv) Renunciation, v) Truth, vi) Not forgetting the help done by others, vii) Good family heritage, viii) Fame and, ix) control of senses.

 5.कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभो हर्षो मानो मदस्तथा षड्वर्गमुत्सृजेदेनं तस्मिंस्त्यक्ते सुखी नृपः।।

         A king who wants to enjoy a peaceful life must abandon the following six evils: i) Lust (or) desire ii) anger iii) Greed iv) self enjoyment v) Pride over the belongings and vi) Intoxication. 

 6.शास्त्रं प्रज्ञा धृतिर्दाक्ष्यं प्रागल्भ्यं धारयिष्णुता  उत्साहो वाग्मिता दार्ढ्यमापत्सु सहिष्णुता ।।

         Wisdom through the studies of scriptural sciences, fortitude, expertise, boldness, sternness, curious, eloquence, firmness and tolerance during calamity etc, are some of the expected qualities of a king.

 7. दयामास्थाय परमं धर्मादविचलन्नृपः   पीडितानामनाथानां कुर्यादश्रुप्रमार्जनम् ।।

         A king should wipe-off the tears by having enormous mercy over afflicted persons, orphans, etc, not being transgressed from the path of virtue.

 8. आन्वीक्षिकी त्रयी वार्ता     दण्डनीतिश्च शाश्वती । विद्याश्चतस्र एवैता     लोकसंस्थितिहेतवः ।।

         The following are the four types of education which are the main causes of the sustenance of this world – viz – i) Aanvikshiki the Nyaya sastra, eighteen puranas etc. ii) Trayi – three Vedas iii) Varta – Trade,business,agriculture etc. iv) Danda niti – the study of Law, punishment etc.

 9.  शुश्रूषा श्रवणं चैव ग्रहणं धारणं तथा । ऊहापोहोऽर्थविज्ञानं तत्वज्ञानं धीगुणाः ।।

         The following are some of the intellectual qualities in general i) Eagerness to listen ii) Hearing the scriptures iii) Grasping iv) By-hearting v) Inference vi) Removal of doubts vii) Financial studies and viii) Knowledge of truth.

 10. त्यागः सत्यं शौर्यं त्रय एते महागुणाः   प्राप्नोति हि गुणान्सर्वानेतैर्युक्तो महीपतिः ।।

         A king who is endowed with the qualities namely renunciation, truth and bravery, finally attains all the good virtues & qualities at a time.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

नीतिसारः - Collected Verses from Nitsara

नीतिसारः Niti Sara is one such work which shows light on many important aspects of life which we have to understand and practice.  Written in simple style, this work is a great treasure especially for children who are to be molded from the young age.

Even adults can cherish the essence of this work and use it as a tool for their personal transformation.  Such is the greatness of this work नीतिसारः Niti Sara.

प्रणम्य सर्वलोकेशं देवदेवेश्वरं हरिम्  नीतिसारं प्रवक्ष्यामि सर्वशास्त्रसमाहृतम् ॥ 1

I shall expound Nitisara (essence of maxims on right conduct) compiled from all scriptures, bowing down to Vishnu, the lord of the universe.


Listen to the complete essence of dharma (right action) and contemplate on it. “Do not do unto others what one would not like others to do unto oneself”.


Do not act without examining the situation carefully; one ought to act only after scrutinizing the situation carefully. Otherwise, one will have to grieve like thebrahmani (Brahman woman) who killed the mongoose.


Man is bound to experience the fruits of his good and bad actions. The karma does not diminish even after billions of days of Brahma2 unless one experiences fruits of karma.


One cannot earn or retain wealth without undergoing suffering. There is suffering in earning wealth as well as in spending it. Is not wealth the home of suffering?


आचार्यात् पादमादत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया 

A student acquires quarter of knowledge from the teacher, a quarter from self study, a quarter from class mates and the final quarter in course of time.


A scorpion has poison in its tail. A bee has poison in its head. Takshaka (a snake mention in Puranas) has poison in its teeth. An evil person has poison in all his limbs.

 पक्षीणां बलमाकाशं मत्स्यानामुदकं बलम्  दुर्बलस्य बलं राजा बालानां रोदनं बलम् 8

Sky is the strength of birds, water the strength of fish; king the strength of the weak and wailing the strength of babies.


Helping an evil person will cause harm to one even as feeding milk to a snake will only increase its poison.


Win the whole world by truth, sorrow by charity, elders by service and the enemies by archery.

Jati (jasmine) among flowers, Vishnu among men, Rambha among women, Kanchi among cities, Ganges among rivers, Rama among kings, Magha among poetic compositions and Kalidasa among poets excel the others.


He who gives birth, takes one to the Guru, imparts knowledge, gives food and protects one from fear  these five are equal to father.


The wives of teacher, king and elder brother, the mother-in-law and the mother who gave birth  these five are mothers.

Keep a distance of 5 hasta3 (cubits) from a vehicle, ten cubits from a horse and 1000 cubits from an elephant. Keep as much away as possible from an evil person.


The snake and the wicked person are both dangerous. The poison of a snake can be neutralized by mantra or medicine while there is no mantra or medicine that can remove the poison of a wicked person. (Hasta is a unit equal to cubit, a measure of length - equal to 24 angulas or about 18 inches, being the distance between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger.)

Longevity, deeds, prosperity, knowledge and death of a person are decided even while he is in the mother‟s womb.


Seeing the elephants, snakes and birds in bondage, the eclipse of the sun and the moon and the poverty of the wise men I conclude that destiny is inevitable.


Those who are uneducated do not shine even if they are endowed with beauty and youth and are born in renowned families just like kimsuka4 flowers which are beautiful but odourless.

Clothing     is    the    prime     requisite    for decorations, ghee is the foremost requisite for food, virtue is the foremost requisite for women and knowledge is the chief requisite of scholars.


One’s wealth and properties remain at one’s home, sons and relatives take leave at cremation ground. It is one’s good and evil actions that accompany oneself after death.


Righteousness prevails and not unrighteousness. Truth prevails and not untruth. Patience prevails and not anger. Gods prevail and not demons.

Stocking grains, taking care of calves, doing cultivation  oneself, serving one’s elders, these five habits      support a family’s growth.


Treat the child like a prince till the age of five, like a servant till the age of fifteen. When the son reaches 

the age of sixteen, treat him like a friend.


Save wealth for difficult times; how can the wealthy have difficulties? If one squanders wealth, one will eventually lose all the accumulated wealth.


One’s physical body, wealth and other resources are transitory. Death is always at hand. Knowing this, a wise man should strive to do righteous actions.

One who is beneficial is a kinsman though he is a stranger. One who is harmful is an enemy though he is a kinsman. When one is seriously sick, herbs from distant forest are used as medicine.


The knowledge confined to books, wealth that is in the custody of others and a son who has gone to foreign countries are useful in name only.

Company of wife is as good as the treatment given by ten physicians. Sun is ten times beneficial than the care given by wife. Mother is ten times beneficial compared to the Sun. Yellow Myrobalan is ten times beneficial than the mother.

Even a virtuous person perishes due to association with the wicked just as the swans that gave refuge to the crows perished because of the evil deeds committed by the crows.


The characteristics of the wicked persons and phlegm are surprisingly similar. Both of these are agitated by sweetness and are pacified by bitter-ness.  (Phlegm is

 agitated by sweet food and is pacified by bitter food while the wicked person is agitated by sweet words 

and is pacified by bitter words).


Enmity comes to an end by death. Youth ends with pregnancy.  Anger comes to an end by bowing down. Pride comes to an end by begging before others.


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...