Sunday, 26 February 2023


Author : Biswajit Banerji

Publisher : Locksley Hall Publishing LLP

Genre : Literary and contemporary fiction

Buy at :Amazon

 There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” “Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.” 

Smile, laughter happiness are the trio for which humans long and never reject. The human life is always in search of health, happiness and prosperity. Everyone in his/her life undergoes certain situations that brings tension, stress and worry. To overcome these, we the humans try to divert our mind and heart towards a better place. Some get into music, paintings and books etc.

Among the crores of books in this world, here is a book with title HAPPIMESS. This may be interpreted as "Finding happiness even in the mess". In this hurried world every one during their chores meet with varied and weird circumstances where they directly or indirectly responsible for the cause. The consequences differ according to the situation. With these as the major themes, the Author BISWAJIT BANERJI has a created a collection of tickling humour and prickling satire. He is a prolific humourist and author of hundreds of bestsellers - all in his dreams. In reality this is his debut book.

 Literature generally refers to any written or spoken material in any language. It encompasses every sphere of human life like culture, tradition, history, psychology etc. Poetry, short story, drama, novel etc are the various genres in the world literature. 

Literature is the most effective mode of expression to represent this world. To depict the human life in all its richness, it uses a distinctive form to expresses various emotions and feelings. These varied emotional expressions are called RASA. The Nine emotions included are termed as NAVARASA. They are (SHINGARA) love, (HASYA) humour,(KARUNA) grief, (RAUDRA) rage,(VEERA) valour, (BHAYANAKA) fear,(BIBHATSYA) disgust,(ADBUTHA) wonder and (SHANTHA) tranquillity. 

Hāsya (Sanskrit: हास्य) is a Sanskrit word for one of the nine rasas or bhava (mood) of Indian aesthetics, usually translated as humour or comedy. The colour associated with hasya is white and deity, Pramatha, and leads to exultation of the mind. This rasa is the manifestation of amusement and delight. This emotion is expressed when witnessing objects or events that evoke amusement. Haasam (laughter) is the predominant emotion of this rasa.

 There’s more to Sanskrit than most Indians realise. Sure, there were the Vedas, the myths and legends, but there was also humour, satire, biting mockery, of those in power and of fools, of fake godmen and even the gods.  In Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha, a compilation of Sanskrit proverbs and parables, is an interesting verse describing a whimsical conversation between the Hindu god Shiva and his consort, goddess Parvati. It has wordplay, a dash of irreverence, and a neat conclusion.

Here in this book HASYA plays a predominant role and is successfully in keeping the readers happily laughing throughout the reading time.  The book has received delightful reviews from top bloggers. This can be read at any time and anywhere simply whenever one is feeling boredom or in low spirits. Starting from the book cover, title, dedication, acknowledgements and through the contents swiftly divided into 13 chapters is a workout for our facial muscles (The best exercise for a sleeker face is to smile as much as you can. When you smile, your entire facial muscles stretch, which in turn help to lose fat from your cheeks.)

This book is definite to attract and find readers from all walks of life and fulfils its duty as a stress busters for a healthy living in a healthy society.

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