Sunday, 12 February 2023

कामन्दकीय - नीतिसारः (NITISAARA OF KAAMANDAKA)


           In the galaxy of Niti texts in Sanskrit literature, texts like विदुरनीतिः Vidura Niti, चाणक्यनीतिः Chanakya Niti, भर्तृहरिः Bharthruhari, कामन्दकः Kamandaka etc, are very popular.  Among them, the moral sayings of कामन्दकः Kamandaka find a unique place.

         Kamandaka shines as the one and only authority in the field of our Ancient Indian Raja Niti Sastra (The science of Diplomacy). His glory is appreciated by all, even by the present day scholars. His science of morality is being read by all at all the times. By his works, he proves himself as the protector of moral sciences. In the Kamandaka Niti Sastra, We can find only sixty verses. Selected verses are given here.

  राजधर्माःQualities of kings

1.धार्मिकं पालनपरं सम्यक्परपुरञ्जनम्    राजानमभिमन्यन्ते प्रजामतिमिव प्रजाः ।।

         The King who is virtuous, dedicated in protecting citizens, and brave in capturing the forts & cities of the enemies, is treated by his subjects consider as Lord brahma.

 2.न्यायेनार्जनमर्थस्य रक्षणं वर्धनं तथा।  तत्पात्रप्रतिपत्तिश्च राजवृत्तं चतुर्विधम् ।।

         The following are the four righteous way of life of a virtuous king – i) Accumulating wealth through righteous way. ii) protecting the accumulated wealth iii) multiplying it. iv) and distributing it for needy in wright time.

 3.आत्मानं प्रथमं राजा विनयेनोपपादयेत्।  ततोऽमात्ययांस्ततो भृत्यांस्ततः पुत्रांस्ततः प्रजाः।।

         At first a king should respect his own self humbly, then the ministers, attendants, his sons and finally the subjects. 

 4.प्रभावः शुचिता मैत्री त्यागः सत्यं कृतज्ञता  कुलं शीलं दमश्चेति गुणाः सम्पत्तिहेतवः ।।

         The following qualities are the main causes of the accumulation of a king’s wealth : i) His personal glory,  ii) Cleanliness (both internal & external), iii) Friendship, iv) Renunciation, v) Truth, vi) Not forgetting the help done by others, vii) Good family heritage, viii) Fame and, ix) control of senses.

 5.कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभो हर्षो मानो मदस्तथा षड्वर्गमुत्सृजेदेनं तस्मिंस्त्यक्ते सुखी नृपः।।

         A king who wants to enjoy a peaceful life must abandon the following six evils: i) Lust (or) desire ii) anger iii) Greed iv) self enjoyment v) Pride over the belongings and vi) Intoxication. 

 6.शास्त्रं प्रज्ञा धृतिर्दाक्ष्यं प्रागल्भ्यं धारयिष्णुता  उत्साहो वाग्मिता दार्ढ्यमापत्सु सहिष्णुता ।।

         Wisdom through the studies of scriptural sciences, fortitude, expertise, boldness, sternness, curious, eloquence, firmness and tolerance during calamity etc, are some of the expected qualities of a king.

 7. दयामास्थाय परमं धर्मादविचलन्नृपः   पीडितानामनाथानां कुर्यादश्रुप्रमार्जनम् ।।

         A king should wipe-off the tears by having enormous mercy over afflicted persons, orphans, etc, not being transgressed from the path of virtue.

 8. आन्वीक्षिकी त्रयी वार्ता     दण्डनीतिश्च शाश्वती । विद्याश्चतस्र एवैता     लोकसंस्थितिहेतवः ।।

         The following are the four types of education which are the main causes of the sustenance of this world – viz – i) Aanvikshiki the Nyaya sastra, eighteen puranas etc. ii) Trayi – three Vedas iii) Varta – Trade,business,agriculture etc. iv) Danda niti – the study of Law, punishment etc.

 9.  शुश्रूषा श्रवणं चैव ग्रहणं धारणं तथा । ऊहापोहोऽर्थविज्ञानं तत्वज्ञानं धीगुणाः ।।

         The following are some of the intellectual qualities in general i) Eagerness to listen ii) Hearing the scriptures iii) Grasping iv) By-hearting v) Inference vi) Removal of doubts vii) Financial studies and viii) Knowledge of truth.

 10. त्यागः सत्यं शौर्यं त्रय एते महागुणाः   प्राप्नोति हि गुणान्सर्वानेतैर्युक्तो महीपतिः ।।

         A king who is endowed with the qualities namely renunciation, truth and bravery, finally attains all the good virtues & qualities at a time.

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