Sunday, 13 November 2022

राजशेखरस्य रूपकानि - The Plays of Rajasekhara

Rajasekhara belongs to  the Yayavariya - ‘yaayaavarIya’ princely family that flourished in the first half of the 10th Century A.D. He himself states that he was the teacher of Nirbhaya, (900 A.D.) the Pratihara King. He married Avantisundari an accomplished lady of the Cchamana family. He is the author of six dramas of which only four are available. They are Karpuramanjari, Bala Ramayana, Viddhasala Bhanjika and Bala Bharata. The fifth play Harivilasa is lost and the name of the last one is not known. 

Karpura-manjari is a sattaka describing the love of Chandapala and princess Karpuramanjari.  This play contains four Acts called Javanikantara. It tells us how the king Candapala marries Karpura-Manjari contains four Acts called Javanikantara. It tells us how the king Candapala marries Karpura-manjari, the daughter of the Kuntala King, and thus becomes a paramount sovereign. The jealousy of the queen, and the machinations that bring the king and the heroine together, from the plot of the Play, the Adbhuta Rasa is represented by the sorcerer Bhairvananda and his tricks. It is an earlier play of the poet and was not , like his other plays, acted at the request of the king, but by the wish of the poet's wife Avantisundari.

Bala Ramayana is in ten acts and is called MahaNatakam. The prologue is of the size of an act and each act is that of a Natika. 

Viddhasala Bhanjika is a Natika depicting the love of Vidyadharamalla for two princesses Mrgankavali and Kuvalayamala. 

Bala Bharata is in two acts dealing with the story of the Pandavas up to the gambling match. Though poor in the creation of a plot, Rajasekhara is clever in commanding a graceful style. He uses some of the expressions current then in the Gujarati and other languages. 

Rajasekhara's another famous work is on Poetics - Kavya-Mimaamsa:

 Kavya-Mimaamsa is written in sūtra style i.e. Kouṭilya’s Arthaśāstra and Vātśāyana’s Kāmasūstra and is a kind of practical handbook for budding poet. But its interest lies much deeper than it’s just being a work on the education of the poet or a practical manual on the writing poetry. This work is divided into eighteen adhikaraṇas but in present, only the first adhikaraṇas (Kavi-rahasya) is available. In the commencement of this work the author summarize the description of poetry.

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