Thursday, 21 April 2022



Ravi, one of the “Five Rivers” of the Punjab.  It rises in the Kulu subdivision of Kangra district, Punjab (India), and flows through Chamba, the isolated northern division of Himachal Pradesh.  Turning southwest it briefly enters Jammu (Kashmir), traverses the Gurdaspur district (Punjab, India), then forms the India-Pakistan frontier before finally crossing into the Pakistan province of Punjab about 15 mi North East of Lahore, within a mile of which later passes.  Flowing across the Punjab plains, it finally falls into the Chenab about 10 mi South of Ahmadpur after a course of about 450 mi.  Its water is used for the irrigation of the Bari doab.  Though Upper Bari doab canal (1859), with headworks at Madhupur on the Indian side of the frontier, serves about 1,177,000 ac. and the Lower Bari doab canal (completed 1917), with headworks on the left bank of the Ravi at Balloki, about 345,000ac.  The waters of the Ravi are supplemented for the irrigation of the lower doab by canals leading from the Jhelum and the upper Chenab.  The Sidhnai canal, beginning about 10 mi. above the Chenab junction, was frequently dry in winter until the construction of the Haveli canal (1939), delivering water to the Ravi from the Trimmu barrage at the Chenab-Jhelum confluence.  In Sanskrit it is called ''REVAA.''

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