Thursday, 7 October 2021



आरोग्यं भास्करादिच्छेत्।

This quote from Sanskrit literature teaches us the benefits of sunlight and it is a must for every living organism to grow.  Ideally, Sun God is worshipped mainly for good health and prosperity.

शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्।

This is a quote from the Sanskrit Classic Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa.  This quote explains about the need to focus on the health first (Meaning: react to your body needs) rather than doing other unwanted things.  It suggests to do any work if your body is fit to do that.  This is the motto of AIIMS.

To have a healthy body few routines are must to follow.

समये भोजनं निद्रा समये स्नानमाचरेत्। व्यायामं समये कुर्यात् यमो भीतो गमिष्यति ।।

This quote insists to have food, sleep, exercise and bath at fixed time.  By following these chances of good health both physically and mentally doubles. 

As we age few biological changes are inevitable. Visible changes like grey hair, teeth loss, skin wrinkles etc indicates aging.  One hidden sign of aging is aging muscles.  It is shocking to note that they age earlier than the person. Can you guess what it is? They are muscles.  They age earlier and faster than the person.  To have healthy and strong muscles, exercise is very  important.

 Whom do you think have stronger muscles in general?

Obviously fitness freaks, Gym goers, Sport persons etc.  Here I would like to focus on wrestlers.  They are the people who work hard to keep up their muscles strength in a full form.  Let’s all remember the film Dangal.  They go in for a strenuous exercise with diets covering the food pyramid.   

In the Sanskrit literature, people with muscle power only are termed as healthy. Lord Hanuman from Ramayana and Bhima from Mahabharata are remembered as the embodiments of Strength and they   both are worshipped to gain the same.  May be because of this concept wrestlers mostly worship Lord Hanuman and often chant, greet and wish Jai Baj ranga Bali! or baj ranga bali ki jai! 

बुद्धिर्बलं यशो धैर्यं निर्भयत्वमरोगता। अजाड्यं वाक्पटुत्वं च हनूमत्स्मरणात् भवेत्।।

The above sloka to Hanuman presents a request of a Bhakta (Devotee) to Lord Hanuman asking to bless him with Intelligence, Strength, Fame, Chivalrousness, fearlessness, health, Brilliance, eloquence.

In this way classic text also suggest to follow a healthy life style in order to be healthy every way.

 Regarding the muscle strength, to be equal to our age the need to have a healthy life style is necessary.  The Bhagavad Gita Says, we should be regular in diet, recreation, exercises, assigned activities and sleep.

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु। युक्तास्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।। (17- VI)

Check your muscle age here

(BLOG CHATTER'S FEATURED CAMPAIGN -How can you Ensure Stronger Inside Out)

(TOPIC: How do you ensure that your body retains muscle strength as you age?)

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