Thursday, 14 October 2021



Navaratri is almost coming to an end, with VijayaDasami is being celebrated tomorrow.  Today being Navami here in South India, it is celebrated as Sarasvati Pooja.  Navami thithi and Moolam Nakshatram are birth date and birth star of Goddess Sarasvati. The Nine days of Navaratri celebrations starts on Dvitiya after Amavasya and ends on Dasami.

On the Sarasvati Pooja Day, books, note-books, slates, pens, pencils, painting brushes and other stationary items all these kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati and sincere prayers are offered to her seeking knowledge, power and wealth (Jnaana, Bala & Aisvarya).

There is a point that requires much attention that there will be no reading, no writing, because the pens, pencils are kept at the feet of Goddess Sarasvati and not taken back today. One day officially no reading and writing, the day most joyous to the children.  Music instruments like Veena (lute), flute, violin, mridangam etc are kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati by musicians, to seek Her blessings by which they can enhance their skills. Even the musical instruments kept in the Pooja, are not played.

Not only books and instruments but also the machineries at factories and cotton mills are also will be under rest as a customary feature in Tamil Nadu.  The masons also offer their tools and kits in the feet of the Goddess Sarasvati and pray for the best business in the future.

All the vehicles including public transports are decorated well and offered Pooja and prayers for the smooth function of the vehicles.

When all these are done on the Sarasvati Pooja day, why can’t we try to add one more feature?

A day to digital detox too! we can try to keep at rest our gadgets and other electric and electronic appliances at home.  Don’t get shocked and I am not suggesting you to switch off your lights, fans, refrigerators for a whole day. 

·        Try to place your cell phones, lap tops in the Pooja as nowadays these are also involved in our educational system.  Rest it for a day if not for few hours at least.

·        Try to use only one A/C in your home, give rest to the rests.  This will make you all family members stay at one room and adjust with each other.

·        You can use this time for some important/ casual chit-chats as everyone is free without their cell phones.

·        Try to make it a no TV day and enjoy doing some fun activities as a family together.

Like these try to switch off appliances according to your convenient/ or after completing your chores/jobs.  This way we can have a digital detox done up to a certain extent.  This is just a one day in a year.  You people can create occasions for digital detox which in a way will strengthen your family ties/relationships.  You can offer prayers to the Goddess for the best function of all your gadgets and appliances.  Start using all these in a regular way from VijayaDasami.

Tomorrow that is on Dasami thithi which is celebrated as VijayaDasami.  On that day, the things which have kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati on Sarasvati Pooja, are taken back and used.

This day is considered auspicious to start any new learning.  Apart from June, schools, coaching centres, institutes all offer VijayaDasami admissions.  Many choose to join on Vijayadasami day for their new classes like art, craft, dance, drama etc.  On this day students take the blessings from their teachers, gurus, achaaryas to be successful in their chosen carrier.  Schools, offices, institutions are all reopened on this day after Navaratri holidays.

Many parents choose VijayaDasami day to give Aksharaabhyaasam(the first day of introducing  a child to the alphabets of a language) to their kid.  So that he/she can read and write well in the future. Many offer Guru Dakshina to their Gurus on this auspicious day.  VijayaDasami day is a day of celebrating victory.  So the concept is that any thing started on this day will be successful/victorious.



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