Thursday, 28 October 2021


 MY FRIENDS FROM INDIAN MYTHOLOGY is written by Suhasini. This is an e- book which is available with Blog chatter ( )

Each and every character in this collection of stories are well described to know about our Indian mythological characters who were great leaders and heroes.

The study of ancient Indian mythology, history and culture and particularly Hindu religion is impossible without proper knowledge of the Scriptures.

This book helped to dispel such impossibility. The author has pointed out that these stories were written in such a manner that it will enhance the understanding level of children.

The stories were compiled and well- arranged systematically in alphabetical order. Pictures have been inserted in support of stated facts. This book constituted the results of the author’s devoted study and effort extending over a long time through the blogpost and which is now converted into the present e-book.

With about 70 pages, this e-book is a store – house of information about our Indian scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Puranas and allied literature to the younger generation.

This stupendous work in the form of an exhaustive & descriptive index, covers the vast and different fields of ancient Indian culture in all aspects of history, religion, philosophy, beliefs and practices, habits and customs as depicted in the scriptures.

  As the saying “First impression is the Best impression”, the very first story titled Abhimanyu echoes this idea. Being a representative to the readers, the author completed her version by explaining her understanding on chosen each and every story. I quote from the page 11, “But he needs to be little more cautious, when he is entering into a new situation. I want to give him this advice if at all, if I meet him once. Don’t you guys agree with me’’. Which makes the readers to merge with the characters and substantiate with present scenario to overcome a crisis.

Each and every story reflects that life is full of struggle which is to be fought with extreme courage combined with patience and perseverance. For Ex:  the story Dhruva - the determined, I quote,     “So, he went into the forest to meet the god, and he meets the sage Narada, who tells him that he needs to meditate a lot only then he could meet the god. He even warns Dhruva that he needs to meditate even in rain and cold. The dangerous forest animals might cause him some harm too”.

In the story “Jatayu - Big and Friendly Bird”, I quote, “During Rama’s exile in the forest, when Ravana tries to take away Sita from Rama, its Jatayu who fights with Ravana for a long time and in fact unseats Ravana from his chariot flying in the sky. Then Ravana takes up his big sword and cuts both the wings of Jatayu. Jatayu then waits for Rama to come in search of Sita. Then he passes the information that Ravana has kidnapped Sita and flew in the south direction to them and dies off in Rama’s hands. Jatayu is the first person to tell the whereabouts of Sita after she got kidnapped by Ravana.”

Contextually, it reminds the wise saying of a Sanskrit poet by name Murari the author of the play AnarghaRaghavam that “Even animals and birds can help the one who follows the righteous path, but the blood brother won’t help the one who does not follow the same.”

 This book will educate the children in enormous ways.  At the end of all the stories the comments of author encourages them with a rare opportunity of evaluating, understanding and reviewing the concepts.


(Received the e-copy of the book from Blogchatter in return of an honest review)

Thursday, 21 October 2021


Kālidāsa = कालिदास: was a Classical Sanskrit author who is often considered ancient India's greatest playwright and poet. His plays and poetry are primarily based on the Vedas, the Rāmāyaṇa, the Mahābhārata and the Purāṇas. His works consist of three plays, two epic poems and two shorter poems. Among those two short or minor poems Rtusamharam deals with seasons.  Ṛtusaṃhāra means, often written Ritusamhara = ऋतुसंहार:, ऋतु + ṛtu, "season", संहार = saṃhāra, "compilation". The poem has six cantos for the six Indian seasonsGrīṣma (Summer), Varṣā

 (Rainy), Śarat (Autumn), Hemanta (Winter), Śiśira (Cold), and Vasanta 

(Spring). It is considered to be Kalidasa's earliest work.

1.    GRĪṢMA (SUMMER) : Being  severely scorched by the rays of the Sun and parched in the way by the hot dust, a serpent looking down, moving and hissing often, is lying under the shade of peacock.  

2.    VARṢĀ (RAINY): The forest region, whose heat has been allayed by the showers of the fresh water, is as if rejoicing along with the KADAMBA trees pitting forth abundant blossoms all around.  It appears as if dancing with the trees whose branches are wafted by the wind and it appears as if laughing through the buds of KETAKIS (Thaazham Poo).

3.    ŚARAT (AUTUMN): In the Autumn, the breezes blow cool, owing to the contact with lotus flowers; the directions are beautiful since the masses of clouds have disappeared; the water has lost its turbidity; the earth has the mud dried up; the space has the clear-rayed moon and is wonderful with the stars.  

4.    HEMANTA (WINTER): The numerous fields, full of rich rice-crops, decked with the flocks of female deer and noisy with graceful KRAUNCHA (ANDRIL) birds, excite the mind.

5.     ŚIŚIRA (COOL): In the morning of these days in the Sisira, women are like Goddess of Wealth (Sri Lakshmi Devi) in their house, with their lovely round faces like golden lotus flowers, with their beautiful red lower lips, with their eyes which are reddish in corners, extending up to the sides of the ears, with their locks of hair resting on their shoulders.

6.      VASANTA (SPRING): Oh! My darling! everything, is more beautiful in Spring; the trees put forth the flowers, waters have lotus flowers, ladies are gladdened, the breeze blows fragrant, the evenings are pleasant and the days are delightful.

Thursday, 14 October 2021



Navaratri is almost coming to an end, with VijayaDasami is being celebrated tomorrow.  Today being Navami here in South India, it is celebrated as Sarasvati Pooja.  Navami thithi and Moolam Nakshatram are birth date and birth star of Goddess Sarasvati. The Nine days of Navaratri celebrations starts on Dvitiya after Amavasya and ends on Dasami.

On the Sarasvati Pooja Day, books, note-books, slates, pens, pencils, painting brushes and other stationary items all these kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati and sincere prayers are offered to her seeking knowledge, power and wealth (Jnaana, Bala & Aisvarya).

There is a point that requires much attention that there will be no reading, no writing, because the pens, pencils are kept at the feet of Goddess Sarasvati and not taken back today. One day officially no reading and writing, the day most joyous to the children.  Music instruments like Veena (lute), flute, violin, mridangam etc are kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati by musicians, to seek Her blessings by which they can enhance their skills. Even the musical instruments kept in the Pooja, are not played.

Not only books and instruments but also the machineries at factories and cotton mills are also will be under rest as a customary feature in Tamil Nadu.  The masons also offer their tools and kits in the feet of the Goddess Sarasvati and pray for the best business in the future.

All the vehicles including public transports are decorated well and offered Pooja and prayers for the smooth function of the vehicles.

When all these are done on the Sarasvati Pooja day, why can’t we try to add one more feature?

A day to digital detox too! we can try to keep at rest our gadgets and other electric and electronic appliances at home.  Don’t get shocked and I am not suggesting you to switch off your lights, fans, refrigerators for a whole day. 

·        Try to place your cell phones, lap tops in the Pooja as nowadays these are also involved in our educational system.  Rest it for a day if not for few hours at least.

·        Try to use only one A/C in your home, give rest to the rests.  This will make you all family members stay at one room and adjust with each other.

·        You can use this time for some important/ casual chit-chats as everyone is free without their cell phones.

·        Try to make it a no TV day and enjoy doing some fun activities as a family together.

Like these try to switch off appliances according to your convenient/ or after completing your chores/jobs.  This way we can have a digital detox done up to a certain extent.  This is just a one day in a year.  You people can create occasions for digital detox which in a way will strengthen your family ties/relationships.  You can offer prayers to the Goddess for the best function of all your gadgets and appliances.  Start using all these in a regular way from VijayaDasami.

Tomorrow that is on Dasami thithi which is celebrated as VijayaDasami.  On that day, the things which have kept on the feet of Goddess Sarasvati on Sarasvati Pooja, are taken back and used.

This day is considered auspicious to start any new learning.  Apart from June, schools, coaching centres, institutes all offer VijayaDasami admissions.  Many choose to join on Vijayadasami day for their new classes like art, craft, dance, drama etc.  On this day students take the blessings from their teachers, gurus, achaaryas to be successful in their chosen carrier.  Schools, offices, institutions are all reopened on this day after Navaratri holidays.

Many parents choose VijayaDasami day to give Aksharaabhyaasam(the first day of introducing  a child to the alphabets of a language) to their kid.  So that he/she can read and write well in the future. Many offer Guru Dakshina to their Gurus on this auspicious day.  VijayaDasami day is a day of celebrating victory.  So the concept is that any thing started on this day will be successful/victorious.



Thursday, 7 October 2021


  On October 5th WORLD TEACHER'S DAY was celebrated through out the world. Teaching is a profession for which dedication and honesty are the most required rather than degrees and experience. Teacher are the second parents and they should shoulder the responsibility of making the students  a responsible citizen of the country.

In Sanskrit Literature there are occasion where the role of teachers are discussed and  directed to follow certain rules and code of conduct when being a teacher.

Starting from Gurukulas to present day E-techno schools, the teachers responsibilities and duties remain same. But the way they are being carried out varies at different stages. The teachers are the ones who need to inculcate morals, ethics and discipline in students without any compromise. For this Kalidasa suggest that a teacher should be the one who has:  

 ्लिष्टा क्रिया कस्यचिदात्मसंस्था सङ्क्रान्तिरन्यस्य विशेषयुक्ता।

यस्योभयं साधु स शिक्षकाणां धुरि प्रतिष्ठापयितव्य एव (16-I Act)

(This sloka from Malavikagnimitram a Sanskrit play written by the Great Poet Kalidasa) “With some persons the practice of an art by themselves is excellent; With others the imparting of instruction takes the predominance.  He alone ought to be placed in the forefront of teachers, in whom both are good”



आरोग्यं भास्करादिच्छेत्।

This quote from Sanskrit literature teaches us the benefits of sunlight and it is a must for every living organism to grow.  Ideally, Sun God is worshipped mainly for good health and prosperity.

शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्।

This is a quote from the Sanskrit Classic Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa.  This quote explains about the need to focus on the health first (Meaning: react to your body needs) rather than doing other unwanted things.  It suggests to do any work if your body is fit to do that.  This is the motto of AIIMS.

To have a healthy body few routines are must to follow.

समये भोजनं निद्रा समये स्नानमाचरेत्। व्यायामं समये कुर्यात् यमो भीतो गमिष्यति ।।

This quote insists to have food, sleep, exercise and bath at fixed time.  By following these chances of good health both physically and mentally doubles. 

As we age few biological changes are inevitable. Visible changes like grey hair, teeth loss, skin wrinkles etc indicates aging.  One hidden sign of aging is aging muscles.  It is shocking to note that they age earlier than the person. Can you guess what it is? They are muscles.  They age earlier and faster than the person.  To have healthy and strong muscles, exercise is very  important.

 Whom do you think have stronger muscles in general?

Obviously fitness freaks, Gym goers, Sport persons etc.  Here I would like to focus on wrestlers.  They are the people who work hard to keep up their muscles strength in a full form.  Let’s all remember the film Dangal.  They go in for a strenuous exercise with diets covering the food pyramid.   

In the Sanskrit literature, people with muscle power only are termed as healthy. Lord Hanuman from Ramayana and Bhima from Mahabharata are remembered as the embodiments of Strength and they   both are worshipped to gain the same.  May be because of this concept wrestlers mostly worship Lord Hanuman and often chant, greet and wish Jai Baj ranga Bali! or baj ranga bali ki jai! 

बुद्धिर्बलं यशो धैर्यं निर्भयत्वमरोगता। अजाड्यं वाक्पटुत्वं च हनूमत्स्मरणात् भवेत्।।

The above sloka to Hanuman presents a request of a Bhakta (Devotee) to Lord Hanuman asking to bless him with Intelligence, Strength, Fame, Chivalrousness, fearlessness, health, Brilliance, eloquence.

In this way classic text also suggest to follow a healthy life style in order to be healthy every way.

 Regarding the muscle strength, to be equal to our age the need to have a healthy life style is necessary.  The Bhagavad Gita Says, we should be regular in diet, recreation, exercises, assigned activities and sleep.

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु। युक्तास्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।। (17- VI)

Check your muscle age here

(BLOG CHATTER'S FEATURED CAMPAIGN -How can you Ensure Stronger Inside Out)

(TOPIC: How do you ensure that your body retains muscle strength as you age?)


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...