Friday, 29 September 2017


Sanskrit is an ancient language with vast literature.  There are books for all age groups and to cater the needs of different interest. 

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*For beginners books like Varnamala - Infant reader 1,2,3 and 4 titled Baladarsa, Prathamadarsa, Dvitiyadarsa and triteeyadarsa which were written by T.K.Ramachandra Iyer and published R.S.Vadyar & Sons, Palghat, Kerala.  Books like VibhakthiVallari, Balabodhinee are published by Samskrita Bharati, TamilNadu.

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*For Children, Stories of Mahabharata, Ramayana, Pancatantra are available in Sanskrit in a children’s fdriendly mannaer titles like Balamodinee, baalavatika are published by Samskrita Bharati, TamilNadu.

*For Poetry lovers, books like KumaraSambhava of Kalidasa, Yadavabhyudaya of Vedanta Desika, Sisupalavadham of Magha, KrishnavilasaKavya of Sukumara, MathuraVijayam of GangaDevi are published by Chowkhamba Samskrit Publishers, Varanasi.

*Prose books like Bana’s Kadambari, Dandin’s Dasakumaracarita and Neelakanta Dikshita’s Sivaleelarnava are published by Chowkhamba Samskrit Publishers, Varanasi.

* The Best collection of Subhashitani can be found in the books like Bhartruhari Subhashita, Desika’s Subhashitaneevi, SundaraPandya’s Neetidvishstika are published by Chowkhamba Samskrit Publishers, Varanasi.

*Devotional books like BhagavadGita, Narayaneeyam, Saundaryalahari, Padukasahasram, Different Sahasranaamams published by The Little Flower Company (Lifco) Chennai.

*Philosophical books like SriBhashyam, SriMadhvaBhashyam, SankaraBhashyam on Vyasa’s Brahmasutrani published by Chowkhamba Samskrit Publishers, Varanasi.

*For Dancers books like NatyaSaastra, AbhinayaDarpana are can be helpful.

*For Music Lovers, books like Dikshitar keerthana, Tyagaraja keerthana, Svati Tirunal keerthana will be useful.

* For astrology and astronomy books like AaryaBhatiyam, BrihatSamhita, Mahabhaskareeyam are available.

These are the few books of Sanskrit literature which can definitely make a good read at any point of time.  Books like AshtangaHrdayam and PatanjalaYogaSutram are well known and widely read by people across the world.  Researchers and scholars are making optimum use of Sanskrit books to get to know about the origin of any branch or subject.

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