Sunday, 11 August 2024



Solaiyappan got up and in a pathetic voice, "We can't go against the village Panchayath".

Just sit back, and relax.  Listen to me carefully.  The major concept of Meyvazhichaalai is ahimsa with regard to birds and animals, following a pure vegan diet, and no to liquor.  Am I right?

In those days, the rulers of Noth Arcot were none other than Nawabs. So their food habit was different.  The people in that region had what was more available abundantly there.  This was the initial cause of the bias.  Following it, the lack of agriculture due to dry lands led to a lack of occupation and there by a block for a source of income.  So we never had any relationship with that region through marriage because of lack of a livelihood.

But nowadays, people in that region are also turning to vegetarianism.  We will request Nesarathnam to completely turn to a vegan diet in order to become our son-in-law of the followers of Meyvazhicchaalai.  

Regarding the occupation, the Tamil Nadu Government has launched many schemes to support dry farming.


Read this, it's a paper-cutting

“The Tamil Nadu government has launched a major initiative to promote dry land forming in cluster mode, focussing on improving production and productivity of millets, pulses and oil-seeds in rain-fed agricultural fields, which remain by and large unused.

The scheme rolled out through a Government order and aims at water conservation, promoting mixed forming, mini dairy, and poultry units to supplement farm income in thousand clusters in the state.

With a view to facilitating credit to the farming community, each cluster will have a primary agricultural cooperative credit society as its nodal centre.  The clusters will cut across contiguous village panchayats if the required land cannot be identified within one panchayat.  Each cluster will have farmer’s clubs with dryland farmers as their members and lead farmers as office bearers.  The clubs, apart from identifying the plots where agro-based interventions have to be carried out, will also suggest setting up soil and water conservation structures and agronomic practices.

The scheme envisages building initiatives, hand-holding farmers to impart technical knowledge, organizing motivational programs, and encouraging farmers to adopt good agricultural practices to increase farm income.  Most importantly, farmer trainers will be identified to train each and every farmer involved in the programme.

Farm visits will be organized for farmers within the district, within the state, and to other states to provide exposure to best practices adopted by successful farmers.  There would also be demonstration farms for pulses, millets, and oil seeds in various parts of the state.”

For any aspects, do some research on the restrictions or the systems, and try to know the roots.  Don't follow anything blindly.

Moreover, Nesarathnam is an educated fellow and he is going to work in Chennai only and will earn a decent income. So you meet the Village Panchayat and explain all these clearly.

Is it so? Then we can proceed with action.  Today is Friday.  Next week, Wednesday or Friday…, hurried Solaiyappan.

Kalaimani insisted that Wednesday would be suitable. Moreover, it is an auspicious day. You can meet the Village Panchayat and then we will meet the parents of Nesarathnam.  We will go together to talk about the marriage alliance.

Ok.  I along with my wife will join you at Nesarathnam's house at Cheyyar.  Is it ok?

Ok, Kalai! It is a nice idea.  Definitely, we will do so.  Don't forget, please, told Solaiyappan.

After giving the send-off to his friend Kalaimani, Solaiyappan got into the Pooja room and offered prayers to the Goddess Parasakti and MeyVazhichaalai-Guru. He eagerly waited for the Wednesday to proceed.

Kalaimani discussed with Nesarathnam about the idea of their visit and told him to inform his parents in Cheyyar.

After four days, Solaiyappan along with his daughters started to Cheyyar in his car. 

When all of them moved towards Cheyyar and were about to reach the destination in a short while, their driver lost his control and dashed with a lorry that came from the opposite side. 

Nesarathnam, who was waiting on the highway near Cheyyar, on his bike also trapped between the car and the lorry.  Except for Madhivadhani, those who were in the car became unconscious.  Nesarathnam also fainted and was hurled into the bushes with severe injury.

Madhivadhani who escaped with a little bit of injury astonished and with the help of the public, admitted all of them to the nearby Hospital.


Nesarathnam became fortunately recovered.  Due to their fate, Solaiyappan, Mandakini, and the driver died despite efforts to save them.

In this pathetic condition, weeping Madhivadhani was so disturbed and she was unable to tolerate this unexpected collapse.  She was unaware of what to do further.

Then, the recovered Nesarathnam came there and pacified her with softy words. 

Kalaimani immediately along with his family rushed to the hospital, on seeing the condition he didn't know how to respond and react. 

Grief-stricken Kalaimani completed all the procedures in the hospital and reached Cheyyar, along with his family and Madhivadhani. 

They all together completed all the Ceremonies.  Kalaimani and his family insisted Madhivadhani to come along with them to stay in their house.

But Madhivadhani refused to do so.  She said, "Already I lost my Amma, now my Appa and Akka also gave up me to experience the misery alone. 

Hey! Madhivadhani! What are you saying?  You are a courageous one. If you want to spend some time in this house, then....

Kalaimani insisted his family to reside at Solaiyappan's home along with Madhivadhani to support her.

After a few weeks, Nesarathnam visited Kalaimani at his house.  He told him that he would be leaving for Chennai in a day or two to attend an interview for the job.

Kalaimani wished him good luck and advised him not to get too much worried about all that had happened in the recent past.

Tears came rolling and he addressed, "Oh! My lovable! Oh! My Mandakini, I lost you".

Kalaimani consoled him and placed a request to consider marrying Madhivadhani.  He told him to take his own time and make a decision.  

After three months, Kalaimani came to know Nesarathnam got a job in Chennai. 

He planned to meet him along with Madhivadhani.

Kalaimani met Nesarathnam in a cafe and shared his reasons for placing the marriage proposal of Madhivadhani with him.

Kalaimani wants Nesarathnam and Madhivadhani to be the first couple to break the regional bias and to create a harmonious relationship with the people of the regions as Solaiyappan already convinced the Village Panchayat.

Kalamani took the hands of Nesarthnam and in a mild tone says “Your heart pulls you towards your love and your mind pulls you towards your demanding situations. This can be resolved if you can develop a strong heart, willpower, and understanding and accepting reality. It can be very difficult and overwhelming to love someone and marry someone else”.

Take your time, no hurry, and give me an answer that is good for all.

Nesarthnam took to lot of analyses and bent himself for the love of all.


At last, Kalaimani arranged their marriage.

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