Sunday, 22 October 2023


The ever remembered and imaginary characters like the princess-Kundhavai combed hair with five layers of locks, Poonkuzhali the Gondolaic lady were created by the Tamil modern literary author Kalki Rajendran and his artist Maniyam whose contribution of Ponniyin Selvan the long lasting and enthralling fiction in Tamil magazine Kalki. This is the centenary year of the artist Maniyam (1924-2014).

On seeing Umapathy Subramanyam (Maniyam) a student of Chennai School of arts, immediately the author Kalki Rajendran has selected and brought with him to work on his magazine Kalki to draw the suitable illustrations.

But Umapathy Subramanyam hesitated to join with him because he was happened to stop his academic course Diploma in Drawing in the year 1941.

But Kalki consoled him by saying that he may learn many thing from his office than what he would have been learnt from the Chennai School of arts.  Immediately, Maniyam has surrendered himself wholeheartedly to Kalki and joined in his office.

When the author Kalki Rajendran started to write his fictional series titled Sivakamiyin Sapatham, directed Maniyam to accompany in the tour of visiting Ajantha, Ellora etc. The experience of the tour became the turning point to Maniyam’s life and also helped him to get the elevation in his artistic profession.

Continuously the visiting's of Cigiriya cave-paintings, Polanaruva and Anuradhapuram of Olden Ceylon, Mamallapuram, Tanjore Big Temple, Madurai, Kuttrala etc., prompted Maniyam to do magic through his painting brushes and those seemed to be waiting for Maniyam’s creativity.

The full energetic revelation of Maniyam was found amazingly during he worked towards the characters of Ponniyin Selvan.  After the demise of Kalki, Maniyam freed himself from Kalki-office, worked hard freely as per his wish.    

Also in the making of the film named Parthiban Kanavu the very first work of Kalki, Maniyam has indulged himself fully.

Now, his son Maniyam Selvan has shared the evergreen memory and enthralling thoughts on his father, during the centenary celebration, by making to publish the souvenir titled “Maniyam 100 - Saritthiram Padaittha Chitthirangal”.

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