Sunday, 29 October 2023




Manu was a great sage and a seer.  He was considered as Progenitor of Mankind.  Historically, he belongs to the second millennium B.C.  His monumental work is Manusmruti.  It is a voluminous Code of Civil, Criminal, and Religious Laws and Traditions pertaining to the people of BharataVarsha or India.  It is respected as great and original DharmaSastra.

1. The Force of desire is described here:-

Na Jaathu kaamah kaamaanaam Upabhogena Saamyathi l

Havishaa krushna-varthmena Bhooya eva abhivardhathe ll 1 ll

Desire can never be quenched by the enjoyment of desired objects.  It grows more and more by enjoyment like fire by the offerings of ghee.

Desire can be quenched only by controlling senses, but not by enjoying sensual objects.  Enjoyment leads to greed and distress.

2. There are five respectable things in society:-

Vittham Bandhur Vayah Karma Vidhyaa bhavathi panchamee l

Ethaani Maanya-sthaanaani Gareeyo yadhyadhuttharam ll 2 ll

Wealth, Relation, Age, Profession and Learning - these five are respectable things - the latter one being more respectable than the former in the sequence.

The factors (Wealth, etc.,) command respect naturally.  But when a clash arises between them the latter one in the sequence must be accepted as more respectable.  So, Knowledge or Learning is the most respectable among all factors.

3. The nature of Dharma is given here in a nustshell:-

Dhruthih Kshamaa Dhamo(a)stheyam Soucham Indhriya-Nigrahah l

Dheer Vidhyaa Sathyam Akrodho Dhasakam Dharma-lakshanam ll 3 ll

Firmness, Tolerance, Self-restraint, Non-stealing, Cleanliness, Control of Senses, Good understanding,  High learning, Truth and Not getting Anger - these ten constitute Dharma.

Dharma is not an abstract idea.  It is realized through the observation of these virtues.

4. Contentment is the root cause of happiness:-

Santhosham Paramaasthaaya Sukhaarthee Samyatho Bhaveth l

Santhoshamoolam hi Sukham Dhuhkhamoolam Viparyayaha ll 4 ll

One must possess contentment along with self-Control if he wishes to have real happiness, because contentment produces happiness and discontentment leads to distress.

Happiness and distress are nothing but contentment and discontentment respectively.

Sunday, 22 October 2023


The ever remembered and imaginary characters like the princess-Kundhavai combed hair with five layers of locks, Poonkuzhali the Gondolaic lady were created by the Tamil modern literary author Kalki Rajendran and his artist Maniyam whose contribution of Ponniyin Selvan the long lasting and enthralling fiction in Tamil magazine Kalki. This is the centenary year of the artist Maniyam (1924-2014).

On seeing Umapathy Subramanyam (Maniyam) a student of Chennai School of arts, immediately the author Kalki Rajendran has selected and brought with him to work on his magazine Kalki to draw the suitable illustrations.

But Umapathy Subramanyam hesitated to join with him because he was happened to stop his academic course Diploma in Drawing in the year 1941.

But Kalki consoled him by saying that he may learn many thing from his office than what he would have been learnt from the Chennai School of arts.  Immediately, Maniyam has surrendered himself wholeheartedly to Kalki and joined in his office.

When the author Kalki Rajendran started to write his fictional series titled Sivakamiyin Sapatham, directed Maniyam to accompany in the tour of visiting Ajantha, Ellora etc. The experience of the tour became the turning point to Maniyam’s life and also helped him to get the elevation in his artistic profession.

Continuously the visiting's of Cigiriya cave-paintings, Polanaruva and Anuradhapuram of Olden Ceylon, Mamallapuram, Tanjore Big Temple, Madurai, Kuttrala etc., prompted Maniyam to do magic through his painting brushes and those seemed to be waiting for Maniyam’s creativity.

The full energetic revelation of Maniyam was found amazingly during he worked towards the characters of Ponniyin Selvan.  After the demise of Kalki, Maniyam freed himself from Kalki-office, worked hard freely as per his wish.    

Also in the making of the film named Parthiban Kanavu the very first work of Kalki, Maniyam has indulged himself fully.

Now, his son Maniyam Selvan has shared the evergreen memory and enthralling thoughts on his father, during the centenary celebration, by making to publish the souvenir titled “Maniyam 100 - Saritthiram Padaittha Chitthirangal”.

Monday, 16 October 2023


Today is the World Food Day.  Food , clothing and shelter are the fundamental necessities of living beings.  From the perspective of only sustenance of life of human beings, food is the most important necessity.  Food nourishes the human body.

" शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मशास्त्रम्" "Sareeram Aadyam Khalu Dharma-Saadhanam" means, physical body is the only medium for performing daily routines.  Says Kalidasa.  The obvious reason is that practicing daily routines is the ultimate essential activity of human life, having a physical body is extremely important.  For the physical body to remain healthy, the diet has to be nutritious.  Besides being nutritious, if the diet is Satvik food(Sattva-Predominant=Noble quality) too, then it helps in enhancing the Sattva component.  Increase in the Sattva component within the body smoothens the passage to the self-realisation.

सस्यं क्षेत्रगतं प्राहुः सतुषं धान्यमुच्यते।  आमं वितुषमित्युक्तं स्विन्नमन्नमुदाहृतम्।।

Sasyam kshethragatham praahus salthusham dhaanyamuchyathe 

Aamam vithushamithyuktham svinnam annamudhaahrutham   Says Sabdakalpadruma.  

It means, in farming , the fully grown crop is known as 'Sasyam', with its husk and grain it is called 'Dhaanya', when grain (seed) is separated from the husk, it is called 'Aama' (Raw-grain), when the raw grain is cooked, it is called 'ANNAM' (Food).

अद्यते अस्मै इति अन्नम् - Adyathe Asmai Ithi Annam.  It means, that which is eaten is known as Annam (Food).

अन्नं न निन्द्यात्, तद्व्रतम्। अनन्ं न परिचक्षीत, तद्व्रतम्। Says Taitthireeyopanishad.

It means, Never criticise food, for it is Vratam (Austerity).  Never waste food, for it is Vratam (Austerity).

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु। युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा॥ Says Bhagavad Gita.

It means, Those who are disciplined in eating and recreation, balanced in work, and regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yoga.

आयुः सत्त्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीतिविवर्धनाः। रस्याः स्निग्धाः स्थिरा हृद्या आहाराः सात्त्विकप्रियाः ৷৷

Such a food which increase age, intelligence, strength, health, happiness and love, who are juicy, smooth & stable and love the mind by nature, liked by the satvik.

समये भोजनं निद्रा समये स्नानमाचरेत् । व्यायाम समये कुर्यात् यमो भीतो भविष्यति 

One should eat at the right time and take a bath at the right time.  Exercise on time and Yama will be afraid.

Thus food is mentioned in scriptures and texts as a precious and most valued wealth for the well being of the humans.

Understand the importance of the food  and  treat it with due respect. 

Sunday, 8 October 2023


Author : Rashmi Bansal
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers India
Genre: Literary &contemporary fiction
Book buy link :  @Amazon

SATURDAY STORIES promises to deliver the readers the timeless inspirational warmth which everyone will come to love. Everybody should take a few minutes here and there and read the stories to remind themselves of the good in the world. One should also learn to appreciate the simple things in life to free ourselves from the whole lot of mess we create around.

Graced with many moving stories, this collection of SATURDAY STORIES will familiarize readers about the things that happened during the pandemic. Most of the stories' help us to realise how hardships effect everyone and the way they overcome differs from each other. 

These are  stories no doubt, but not the fairy tales. These bring out the everlasting truths and wisdom that every human being should know and follow.

The stories are presented to the world as illustrator of the ideals of duty, the force of character, the spirit of self -sacrifice and philosophy of life which have inspired and guided the destinies of millions of humans.

As a Sanskrit professor, I was so glad to read the story titled PATH OF DESTINY. It deals about the bondage of Guru & Sishya. The Guru pandit Umashankar Tripathi molded his disciple Mani in his Gurukula in such a way that he handed down the ancient knowledge by tracing the lineage of saptharishis, and divine shakthi which was Lost to the world over the centuries. The concept of Brahman is reflected through the quantum physics, science and spirituality would never have to be at war again. 

The book SATURDAY STORIES by Rashmi Bansal - the author of the best-selling STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH has nearly 30 short stories which are sure to engage the readers without any disappointments. Interestingly at the end of every story is a QR code upon scanning the readers can hear an audio bite from the author. The book has another six set of stories by the students of the students of the Rashmi Bansal's short story writing program.

The author was successful in presenting the stories in a lucid way. Use of Hindi language in between gave a complete Indian touch to the book. ODE TO LOVE is a poetical presentation in English whereas MAIN SHAYAR TOH NAHIN in Hindi. The shows the author ‘s fine command over both forms of Literature in both the languages.

“Chal, meri Dhanno!” Babita said under her breath. Don’t let me down today. These words from the story CHAL MERI DHANNO is an excellent example of self-motivation.  Self-motivation drives people to keep going even in the face of setbacks, to take up opportunities, and to show commitment to what they want to achieve.

This story teaches every one of us that Self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on – it's our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop, and keep moving forward. When you think you're ready to quit something, or you just don't know how to start, your self-motivation is what pushes you to go on.


Like these there are many teachings and messages to every one of us out here and the book is worth reading.

“Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.” – ANN LANDERS

(This book review is a part of Blogchatter's book review program)

Sunday, 1 October 2023



Veda is a word applied to a particular section of Sanskrit literature that forms the earliest record of the world in general and of India in particular

This literature is divided into two portions namely Mantra(Hymns) and Braahmanams (Explanatory Works).  Again the Mantra portion is subdivided into four parts or groups based on the four types Vedic texts namely RigVeda, YajurVeda, SaamaVeda and AtharvaVeda.

SAMJNAANAM (RigVeda : X - 191) 

This is the name of the particular hymn consists of only four verses.  Here the Vedic Sage stresses on the units of Mind, Speech and Action.

The first verse is addressed to Fire-God (Agni) and the rest are addressed to the worshippers(Sthothaaras).



"O! Agni, the fulfiller of desires, as a lord you unite all on all sides.  You are kindled at the altar of earth.  you such bring opulence on all sides".



"Go together, speak together, let your minds be of one concord.  As the ancient gods with one accord accept their sacrificial share, so also you too accept your share of life with one accord".

The sage's caution is not to be envious at other's profits or losses; but share their life with a single mind, speech and action.





"Let their thought or planning be the same; their gain be the same; their mind be the same; their heart be united; I also the same with you and I offer with your same oblation or sacrifice".

Generally, Vedic texts have a two-fold purpose.  One is to propitiate the deities, and the second at the same time is to carry an inner or hidden secular message, to the society.  So the other aspect of a Vedic verse is always to be kept in mind.



"Be your intention the same, your hearts the same, your mind the same; that it may be a good company for you".

Here the Vedic Sage advises the people to keep their mind, speech and action united, so that they become a united society, which definitely proves to be a good company for one and all.  


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...