Sunday, 3 September 2023



Lava was a son of Sri Rama and Sita.  When Sita was forsaken by Rama in the forest, Valmiki has given the refuge to Sita.  She was pregnant on that time.  Lava was born along with Kusa in the ashram of Valmiki.

Lava gained his education along with Kusa from the Sage Valmiki.  Both of them became very intelligent got the mastery in the archery even in their young age.  They learnt the secrets about divine arrows. 

Once, being instructed by Valmiki, Lava went to the mount Kailasa  and after killing many Yakshas, collected the golden lotus flowers from Kubera's pond and other flowers of Kalpakavruksha from Kubera's garden, to worship Sivalinga.

One day Lava with Kusa, captured the sacrificial horse of Asvamedha Yajna of Sri Rama, which was followed by Satrughna.  Satrughna could not defeat Lava even with the help of Lakshmana.  Then Valmiki intervened and the horse was returned to Satrughna.

After some time, Lava along with Kusa visited The city Ayodhya, and recited the Ramayanam written by Valmiki in front of Sri Rama. 

Rama recognized Lava with Kusa and made them both to live in his palace.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2023)

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