Wednesday, 6 September 2023


Sanaka, Sanandhana, Sanaathana and Sanathkumaara are called collectively Sanakadis in general.  They were the mind-born children (sons) of the Creator Brahma.  Bhavishyad Puraanam mentions that the Sanakadis were the incarnations of portions of Mahavishnu.  Once Brahma praised these Sanakadis the incarnations of Mahavishnu.  

These Sanakadis had taken incarnation before the Creator Brahma began the work of creation. So they stood in the form of infants, they were asked to create subjects.  But they were the incarnation of "Satthva" (the attribute of purity), and also they were not prepared to undertake creation.

Even at the early age of four, these four learned the Vedas (ChathurVedas) with their auxilliaries (Shadangas), and travelled together.  They were celebrated for ever by all around the fourteen worlds and they were always called as Kumaaras (Young Boys).  

Bhagavatha Puraanam tells that when the Sanakadis were travelling thus, one day they reached Vaikuntam the divine abode of Lord Mahavishnu, the two door-keepers Jaya and Vijay showed disrespect towards them.  Then these enraged Sanakadis cursed them to have three births with demoniac qualities.   Accordingly, first time, Jaya and Vijaya were born in the earth as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu who were killed by Mahavishnu who took incarnations namely Varaha and Narasimha respectively.  

In the second birth, they were Ravana and Kumbhakarna  who were killed by Sri Rama the incarnation of Mahavishnu.  In the third birth they were Sisupaala and Dhanthavakthra who were killed By Sri Krishna the incarnation of Mahavishnu.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2023)

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