Monday, 17 July 2023




I am not going to describe about the daily routines which each and every one does and faces many impediments before reaching their office or school or work-place. Entrapped in the traffic, crowds, pollution, inconveniences and so on, is the general thing in the rush hours.


Our ancestors none other than sages and saints of this divine country, insisted us to follow the following ideas.

1.    प्राता रत्नं प्रातरित्वा दधाति। Praathaa rathnam praatharithvaa dhadhaathi.  An early riser earns good health.

2.    ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते उत्थाय हरिरिति सप्तकृत्वा उच्चार्य । brAhma muhUrte utthAya haririti saptakrtva uccArya.  Get up during Brahma muhUrtam and utter Hari's nAmam seven times.

3.    उत्थाय शयने तस्मिन्नासीनो नियतेन्द्रियः। त्रस्त निर्विण्णहृदयो व्यर्थं वीक्ष्य गतं वयः।।1।।

          utthAya Sayane tasmin AsIno niyatendriyaH | trasta nirviNNa hrdayaH       vyartham     vIkshya gatam vayaH

          After arising from the bed but seated still on the bed, one should focus on       the day ahead. 


        Finally they teach us to practice:


अत्वरा सर्वकार्येषु त्वरा कार्यविनाशिनी।

Athvaraa Sarvakaaryeshu, thvaraa kaaryavinasinee.

Slow and steady wins the race

So, start early, go slowly, reach safely and enjoy the life joyfully.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Bloghop prompt: “A glimpse of Morning Rush Hours”)

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