Monday, 10 July 2023






Two days back I  visited the small village called Thiruvidanthai  on ECR (East cost road) along with my wife in the car.  When we started, rain also started pouring heavily.  The sound of raindrops made the drumming sound when it fell on the windshield.  I used the wipers tirelessly to have the constant visibility but felt  inconvenience because the roads were not even enough to drive smoothly by the stagnation of the rain water. 

Driving through heavy rains can be an intense and challenging experience. At that time being a Sanskrit learned I started to think about the following lines from Megha Sandesam a minor poem written by Kalidasa:

संतप्तानां त्वमसि शरणं तत् पयोद प्रियायाः संदेशं मे हर धनपतिक्रोधविश्लेषितस्य ।

गन्तव्या ते वसतिरलका नाम यक्षेश्वराणां   बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या ॥ 7

A man who has separated from his wife called the cloud and requested it to be his messenger. Oh Cloud! You are the refuge of the distressed. Therefore, please take my beloved one a message from me.

And one more poem from GhataKharparaKavya written by GhataKharparaKavi:

Nicitam khamupetya neeradai: priyahinahrdayavaniradai:

Salilai vihitam raja: ksitau ravicandravapti nopalaksitau     1

          The space was surrounded with the water-clouds which seemed to be the heart of the beloved which was pierced by the separation from her.  The dusts on the surface have been washed away by the rain-waters.  The sun and moon were invisible due to the rainy-season.

I have recollected my personal encounter with such conditions and explored the emotions, thoughts, and reflections that emerged during this daring journey.

Then I recollected the couple of poem which was composed by me and posted in my blog on 17th October 2019. Sharing the same here:

पूर्वं    वृक्षाः    हरितभरिताः   पुष्पशाखाभिजुष्टाः

भूयः सिक्ताः द्विगुणहरिताः रञ्जयन्तो (अ)भिरामाः।


वृष्ट्या  चैते  कृषिजनफलाः  क्लेदयन्तो  महत्या

वर्षाकाले  नयनसुखदाः  वीक्षितानां  जनानाम्।। 1 ।।

The trees which are already green endowed with branches, leaves and flowers are being drenched once again and doubled their greenery to please and attract the people. Farmers will be disturbed by this heavy rain.  But for the others it is the visual treat.

मन्दं     मन्दं     पवनरहिते     दुर्दिने    वृष्टिमग्नाः 

प्रातः   स्नाता   पुनरपि  भृशं   वाहनं  चालयन्तः।

छिन्नाः भिन्नाः शिथिलमनसा  यान्ति कार्यालयांश्च

मन्ये(अ)धन्याः गणय इति ते मन्दभाग्या मनुष्याः।। 2 ।।

The riders of the two-wheelers, are highly afflicted in this rainy season, take bath in this rain and who already took in the morning. In this rain, they, totally collapsed internally and externally and move to their work place.  On watching them in this pathetic condition, I thought that they are unlucky.  


(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Bloghop prompt :   When I was Driving Through the Heavy Rains.")


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