Monday, 31 July 2023




1.    One should use strong, unique passwords for each online account and should not share personal information to others by all means.  If needed one should be cautious with sharing personal information online.

2.  Regularly update one’s own software and antivirus programme.  Always use Security Software.  Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible for added security.

3.   Think twice before clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown attachments.  Checking Links before Click is very essential for one’s own safety..

4.    Wi-Fi connections is essential to protect your online activities and sensitive information. The following are the key reasons;

Data Encryption: Secure Wi-Fi connections use encryption protocols (like WPA2 or WPA3) to scramble the data transmitted between your device and the Wi-Fi router. This encryption makes it difficult for hackers to intercept and decipher your data.

Avoid Identity Theft: Unsecured Wi-Fi networks make it easier for cybercriminals to steal your identity, gain unauthorized access to your accounts, and conduct fraudulent activities on your behalf.

Protect Financial Transactions: When you use secure Wi-Fi, your financial transactions, such as online banking and shopping, are less likely to be compromised, ensuring your payment details stay safe.

Safeguard Personal Information: By connecting to secure Wi-Fi, you reduce the risk of your personal information, emails, messages, and other sensitive data being intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Avoid Malware Infections: Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in unsecured Wi-Fi networks to inject malware into your device, compromising its security and potentially causing data loss or unauthorized access.

Preserve Privacy: Secure Wi-Fi connections help maintain your online privacy, ensuring that your internet activities remain private and protected from third-party monitoring.

5.    One should use a VPN.  VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a technology that allows you to create a secure and encrypted connection to another network over the internet. When you connect to a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through a remote server, hiding your actual IP address and encrypting your data. This provides several benefits, including enhanced online privacy, security, and the ability to access resources on the remote network as if you were physically present at that location.

6.    Log Into Sites That Start With https.  "Logging into sites that start with https" is a crucial internet practice for ensuring the security of your online interactions. Whenever anyone log into websites, particularly those that involve sensitive information, always look for the "https" in the URL and a padlock icon in the browser's address bar. This way, you can ensure a secure and encrypted connection, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to your information. 


(This blogpost is a part of BLOGCHATTER'S BLOGHOP)

Monday, 24 July 2023



If there were no books in the world, in the context of Sanskrit literature, the concept of "bhaashaa" (भाषा) refers to language or speech, and it includes various elements, such as vowels, consonants, grammar, syntax, and prosody. In Sanskrit literature, the absence of "bhaashaa" or "bhoosh" would have significant impacts on the literary expression and communication. However, It will assume meant "bhaashaa" and not "bhoosh."

Loss of Artistic Beauty: Sanskrit is renowned for its eloquence and beauty. Its rich vocabulary, intricate grammar, and poetic meters enable writers to compose aesthetically pleasing verses and prose. Without this language, the literature would lose its charm, and the profound artistic expressions found in Sanskrit works would be missing.

Loss of Sacred Texts: Many ancient Hindu scriptures and religious texts, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Major and Minor Court Epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, were written in Sanskrit. If Sanskrit were absent, the preservation and dissemination of these sacred texts might have been severely hindered.

Impact on Historical and Cultural Knowledge: Sanskrit literature contains a vast amount of historical, mythological, and cultural information about ancient India. From accounts of historical events to descriptions of societal norms and traditions, Sanskrit texts provide valuable insights into the past. The absence of Sanskrit could lead to a loss of this precious knowledge.

Hindrance to Indic Studies: Sanskrit is the key to understanding many Indic languages and their evolution. By studying Sanskrit texts, linguists and historians gain insights into the development of various languages and their interconnections. Without Sanskrit books, the study of these languages could become much more challenging.

Reduced Understanding of Philosophy: Several philosophical treatises and schools of thought, such as Mimamsa, Vedanta, Nyaya, Vyaakarana Saankhya and Yoga were composed in Sanskrit. The absence of Sanskrit would make it harder for scholars to grasp the depth and nuances of these profound philosophical ideas.

Impact on Indian Literature: Sanskrit has significantly influenced literature in various Indian languages. From Hindi to Bengali to Kannada, many regional literatures owe a debt to Sanskrit for their vocabulary, literary styles, and themes. Its absence might change the literary landscape in these languages.

Effect on Academic and Scholarly Discourse: Sanskrit has played a crucial role in academic and scholarly exchanges in ancient India. Scholars from different parts of the country and beyond used Sanskrit as a lingua franca for their discussions and debates. Without Sanskrit, this academic tradition might have been different.

In conclusion, the absence of Sanskrit as a language would have profound effects on Sanskrit literature and the cultural heritage of India. It is a language that has shaped the nation's history, philosophy, religion, and literature, and its loss would be a significant blow to the understanding of ancient Indian civilization and its contributions to human knowledge.

Finally, If there were no books in the world, there won't be activities associated with Publishers, Book Sellers, Libraries.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Bloghop prompt: “If there were no books in the world”)

Monday, 17 July 2023




I am not going to describe about the daily routines which each and every one does and faces many impediments before reaching their office or school or work-place. Entrapped in the traffic, crowds, pollution, inconveniences and so on, is the general thing in the rush hours.


Our ancestors none other than sages and saints of this divine country, insisted us to follow the following ideas.

1.    प्राता रत्नं प्रातरित्वा दधाति। Praathaa rathnam praatharithvaa dhadhaathi.  An early riser earns good health.

2.    ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते उत्थाय हरिरिति सप्तकृत्वा उच्चार्य । brAhma muhUrte utthAya haririti saptakrtva uccArya.  Get up during Brahma muhUrtam and utter Hari's nAmam seven times.

3.    उत्थाय शयने तस्मिन्नासीनो नियतेन्द्रियः। त्रस्त निर्विण्णहृदयो व्यर्थं वीक्ष्य गतं वयः।।1।।

          utthAya Sayane tasmin AsIno niyatendriyaH | trasta nirviNNa hrdayaH       vyartham     vIkshya gatam vayaH

          After arising from the bed but seated still on the bed, one should focus on       the day ahead. 


        Finally they teach us to practice:


अत्वरा सर्वकार्येषु त्वरा कार्यविनाशिनी।

Athvaraa Sarvakaaryeshu, thvaraa kaaryavinasinee.

Slow and steady wins the race

So, start early, go slowly, reach safely and enjoy the life joyfully.

(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Bloghop prompt: “A glimpse of Morning Rush Hours”)

Monday, 10 July 2023






Two days back I  visited the small village called Thiruvidanthai  on ECR (East cost road) along with my wife in the car.  When we started, rain also started pouring heavily.  The sound of raindrops made the drumming sound when it fell on the windshield.  I used the wipers tirelessly to have the constant visibility but felt  inconvenience because the roads were not even enough to drive smoothly by the stagnation of the rain water. 

Driving through heavy rains can be an intense and challenging experience. At that time being a Sanskrit learned I started to think about the following lines from Megha Sandesam a minor poem written by Kalidasa:

संतप्तानां त्वमसि शरणं तत् पयोद प्रियायाः संदेशं मे हर धनपतिक्रोधविश्लेषितस्य ।

गन्तव्या ते वसतिरलका नाम यक्षेश्वराणां   बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या ॥ 7

A man who has separated from his wife called the cloud and requested it to be his messenger. Oh Cloud! You are the refuge of the distressed. Therefore, please take my beloved one a message from me.

And one more poem from GhataKharparaKavya written by GhataKharparaKavi:

Nicitam khamupetya neeradai: priyahinahrdayavaniradai:

Salilai vihitam raja: ksitau ravicandravapti nopalaksitau     1

          The space was surrounded with the water-clouds which seemed to be the heart of the beloved which was pierced by the separation from her.  The dusts on the surface have been washed away by the rain-waters.  The sun and moon were invisible due to the rainy-season.

I have recollected my personal encounter with such conditions and explored the emotions, thoughts, and reflections that emerged during this daring journey.

Then I recollected the couple of poem which was composed by me and posted in my blog on 17th October 2019. Sharing the same here:

पूर्वं    वृक्षाः    हरितभरिताः   पुष्पशाखाभिजुष्टाः

भूयः सिक्ताः द्विगुणहरिताः रञ्जयन्तो (अ)भिरामाः।


वृष्ट्या  चैते  कृषिजनफलाः  क्लेदयन्तो  महत्या

वर्षाकाले  नयनसुखदाः  वीक्षितानां  जनानाम्।। 1 ।।

The trees which are already green endowed with branches, leaves and flowers are being drenched once again and doubled their greenery to please and attract the people. Farmers will be disturbed by this heavy rain.  But for the others it is the visual treat.

मन्दं     मन्दं     पवनरहिते     दुर्दिने    वृष्टिमग्नाः 

प्रातः   स्नाता   पुनरपि  भृशं   वाहनं  चालयन्तः।

छिन्नाः भिन्नाः शिथिलमनसा  यान्ति कार्यालयांश्च

मन्ये(अ)धन्याः गणय इति ते मन्दभाग्या मनुष्याः।। 2 ।।

The riders of the two-wheelers, are highly afflicted in this rainy season, take bath in this rain and who already took in the morning. In this rain, they, totally collapsed internally and externally and move to their work place.  On watching them in this pathetic condition, I thought that they are unlucky.  


(This blogpost is a part of Blogchatter's Bloghop prompt :   When I was Driving Through the Heavy Rains.")


Sunday, 2 July 2023

The Scientific Literature In Sanskrit-Part V


व्याकरणम् = Vyaakaranam or the science of grammar is the most important supplement of the वेदाः = Vedas (वेदाङ्गानि =Vedangas).  This science is equally important for the study of spoken and literary Sanskrit and it has developed as a separate branch of study in the post-vedic period.  The grammar of Sanskrit language is so elaborate, accurate, complete and comprehensive that it has become of the most important and independent branch of learning while in other languages, grammar is treated only as a part of their literature.

 The earliest treatise on Sanskrit Grammar now preserved is the अष्टाध्यायी = Ashtaadhyaayee of the sage पाणिनी Paaninee who must have lived somewhere between 8th and the 6th BCE.  We understand from this work that there were many grammarians before Paaninee but none of their works is preserved for us.  The great monumental work of Paaninee dealing systematically and completely with the grammar of the Vedic as well as the spoken Sanskrit (भाषा = Bhaashaa), perhaps totally eclipsed the earlier works which disappeared in course of time on account of sheer neglect.  Paaninee’s Ashtaadhyaayee consists of eight chapters containing about 4000 Sutras (in the form of Formulas/aphorisms).  He has also written the धातुपाठः = DhaathuPaata which contains a complete list of verbal-roots (धातु = Dhaathu) and the गणपाठः = Ganapaata which contains groups of words that have some common grammatical features. 


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...