Sunday, 26 March 2023

अलङ्कारशास्त्रम् = ALANKARASASTRAM Part IV


8 p`itvastUpmaa

vaa@yayaaorqa-saamaanyao p`itvastUpmaa mata. tapona Ba`ajato saUya-: SaUrScaapona rajato.


Where there is similarity in the meaning between two sentences, the figure of speech employed is p`itvastUpmaa. The Sun beams with its rays and hero shines with his bow.


The explanation of the word p`itvastUpmaa is p`itvastu p`itvaa@yama\. In p`itvastUpmaa, there are two sentences. One deals with ]pmaoyama\ & the other with ]pmaanama\. The action or quality predicated in both the sentences is the same, but conveyed by different verbs. In the illustration tapona Ba`ajato saUya-: is the ]pmaanava@yama\ &SaUrScaapona rajato is the ]pmaoyavaa@yama\. The common characteristic predicated in both the sentences is “shining”. But that idea is conveyed through two different words Ba`ajato rajato. Here the predicate is positive in both the sentences. It is also possible to predicate its negation in the other way also.

9 vyaitrok:

vyaitrokao ivaSaoYaScaot\ ]pmaanaaopmaoyayaao:.XaOlaa [vaaonnatassant: ikntu `Ìitkaomalaa:..

Translation :

vyaitrok: arises where there is distinction between ]pmaanama\ ]pmaoyama\. Great men are lofty like mountains but are soft by nature.


vyaitrok: means difference. After giving a comparison, if the author notes the difference between either ]pmaanama\ or ]pmaoyama\ then the figure of speech is called vyaitrok:. In the given illustration the distinction between ]pmaanama\ ]pmaoyama\ results in the superiority of ]pmaoyama\.XaOlaa [vaaonnatassant:- Great men are lofty like mountains. After the comparison the author describes that the Great men are different from the mountains. Great men are soft by nature whereas the mountains are hard by nature. Sometimes the distinction may result in the inferiority of ]pmaanama\. Sometimes this results neither in the inferiority nor in superiority.

10 vyaajastuit:

]i>vyaa-jastuitina-ndastuitByaaM stuitinandyaao:.ksto ivavaokao nayaisa svaga-M patiknaao|ip yat\..


Where praise or censure is expressed by an apparent censure or praise the figure of speech is vyaajastuit:. What sort of wisdom is yours that you take even sinners to heaven?


In vyaajastuit: from an ostensible praise or censure is suggested, a real censure or praise (under the pretext of praising, the person will be blaming and under the pretext of blaming the person will be praising the others). In the illustration a censure is expressed in the case of Ganga in as much as she takes even sinners to heaven. But the idea is one of praising her superior efficacy to remove the sins of sinners and enable them to go to heaven equally with the pious.

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