Tuesday, 13 December 2022




Genre - Literary & Contemporary fiction - Romance

Publisher - Harper Collins

Book buy link - @Amazon

The romantic novel HAPPY ENDINGS by MINITA SANGHVI befits all the characteristics feature of the genre. A book of romance covers all the incidents that usually occur in the love life of two people. The love that started from  the childhood, how it evolved, expressed, and engaged for the rest of the life is finely put into words with touch of delicate emotions and sentiments.

The book is published by Harper Collins India who has successful expertise in the publishing field with 30 years of work. The book is considered to be the first lesbian romance novel to be published in India states the Google.

The Author Minita Sanghvi loves reading, writing and learning. She holds a PhD from University of North Carolina Greensboro and a Graduate certificate in Feminist Studies from Duke.

The Novel Happy endings carries the Indian love story with apt usage of Hindi words, Bolly wood director, actor, writer and the media as well as the relatives & neighbors which is a definite style to keep the Indian readers engaged till the end. 

I quote "Monday morning there was a theory brewing on the internet fueled by pictures from the Big B Award and Allie's Instagram picture with the four of them. Some one had pointed out that after that night Allie had broken up with Krish. And that Kabeer and Mahek were now broken up. And was Krish responsible for this ?"

A dramatic love story of a bolly wood film star and an award winning author is presented before the readers fully packed with all the essentials of a powerful romantic drama.

The book has little more than 300 pages with a fine diction and firm plot. It has a page The director, an epilogue,  Author's note  along with the details of the author and the publisher. All the 27 chapters move ahead in a steady speed in the company of the good number of characters.

The author takes the readers through Classics both in Bolly wood and Literature.  Few lines from the Lyrics of Bolly wood Icon Raj Kapor's songs  leave a lasting impression of the strong romantic feel of the characters.

With regard to Literature author first connects to Shakespeare's Romeo Juliet as they were considered as the epitome of Love, but gently moves on  later to justify the title with the support of the Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Here I quote :

'She got out her copy of Romeo Juliet and was about to put the rose in it when Krish cried out loudly, "stop! What are you doing?"

"What ? what happened?" Mahi looked up, confused.

"Not in that ! That's a tragedy! They both die. Here, Krish quickly pulled another of Mahi's book out of her school bag and handed it to her.

"Pride and Prejudice?"

It has a happy ending. Don't you want a happy ending to your love story?" Krsih looked at Mahi meaning fully.  Ahh, finally, thought Mahi."

Pride and prejudices and Romeo Juliet are from Comedy and Tragedy -the two genres of literature that traces their origins back to the Ancient Greece. In simple terms, the main difference between comedy and tragedy is that the comedy is a humorous story with a happy ending while a tragedy is a serious story with a sad ending.

In general happy endings are preferred by many as they provide hope, instilling the belief that obstacles can be overcome, love can last, fences can be mended, and good can triumph.

Here also the author is successful in instilling the seed of hope and triumph.

(  This blog post  is a part of Blog Chatter's book review-  https://www.theblogchatter.com/book-review-program-from-blogchatter)

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