Sunday, 25 December 2022



Allegorical plays in Sanskrit Drama Literature Introduction: Allegorical dramas in Sanskrit Literature a symbolic meaning with philosophical ideas at the background. Many scholars have observed that the poet अश्वघोषःAswaghosha has used the allegory in his dramas. In these type of dramas, more than the hero or other characters, the story embedded with a moral plays an important role. Through the characters of the play, a philosophical truth is established in the minds of readers. Prabodha Chandrodayam, Sankalpa Suryodayam, Chaitanya Chandrodayam, Amritodayam are such examples for the allegorical dramas. 

1. प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयम् Prabodha Chandrodayam: This is a unique drama in Sanskrit literature, written by Sri Krishna Mishra in 11th century A.D. There are six acts in this play and the theme of this play is that a war takes place between discrimination – विवेकः Viveka and ignorance – महामोहः Maha Moha. The war ends with the rise of Prabodha – प्रबोधः wisdom at the end. In this drama we see Mind has two wives-प्रवृत्तिः Activity and निवृत्तिः Repose. Confusion is the son of Pravritti and Discrimination is the son of Nivritti. These Page 31 two kings Moha and Viveka are always in clash and conflict and each of them always eager to increase their wealth and power that is their superiority. The assistants of Moha are कामः Kama, रतिः Rati, क्रोधः Krodha, अहिंसा Himsa, अहङ्कारः Ahamkara, दम्भः Dambha, लोभःLobha etc. With the help of these assistants Moha tried to defeat Viveka. On the other hand followers of Viveka are मतिः Mati, धर्मः Dharma, मैत्री Maitri, सन्तोषः Santosh, श्रद्धा Sraddha, क्षमा Kshama, भवतः Bhakti, उपविषद्Upanisad, वस्तुविचारः Vastuvichara etc. The battle field was Varanasi, By the help of Goddess Sarawati, Viveka’s group easily defeated चार्वाकः Charvak and other atheists. They were fully defeated. Also the inner foes such as Kama was also washed away by Kshama and Santosh. Last of all Viveka and Upanisad united eternally and Prabodhchandrodaya (Moonrise of true knowledge) appeared. Krishnamishra presents the theory of अद्वैतसिद्धान्तः Advaita Vedanta in his drama. It is an allegory based on philosophy. The dramatist is successful in his creation. There are variations of characters and incidents. But the dramaturgy is not hampered any where. He is unique and original in his thoughts of drama and its weaving. In this drama शान्तरसः Santa Rasa Page 32 (Sentiment)is mainly presented. But हास्यम् Hasya and other रसाः Rasas also we get here. 

2. सङ्कल्पसूयोदयम् Sankalpa Suryodayam : is the another allegorical play written by a Vaishnavite scholar श्रीमद्वेदान्तदेशिकः Sri Vedanta Desika – born in Kanchipuram of Tamilnadu. Through this drama, author tries to establish विशिष्टाद्वैतसिद्धान्तः Vishtadvaita Philosophy of Sri Ramanujacharya. The time of this play is calculated as 13th century A.D and the author has followed the style used by Krishna Mishra in the previous drama. 

3. A drama named चैतन्यचन्द्रोदयम्Chaitanya Chandrodayam, written in 16th Century A.D by the author कविकर्णपूरः Kavi Karna Pura is also an allegorical play. This drama depicts the Bhakti movement followed by श्रीचैतन्यमहाप्रभुः Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu of Bengal region. 

4. A play named अमृतोदयम्Amritodayam, written by the poet गोकुलनाथः Gokulanatha of 17th century A.D depicts the beauty of allegory. This drama is also propagating the teachings of Advaita Philosophy through the theme.

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