Sunday, 17 July 2022

Relative priority of Ramayanam over Mahabharatam


   The Ramayana, one of the greatest epics i.e. ‘[ithasa:’ is held in high esteem as the Adikavyam. Tradition is very firm with regard to the antiquity and priority of Ramayana over the other epic Mahabharatam. However some scholars are of the view that the Mahabharatam is an earlier work than the Ramayana. One such theory is put forward by Prof.Weber. He says that though the ‘ramaaopa#yaanama\’ the story dealing with Rama occurs in the ‘vanapva- ’ of Mahabharatam there is no mention of Valmiki as well as the epic Ramayana. Markandeya is made to narrate to Dharmaputra after the recovery of the Draupadi who had been carried by Jayadratha as Sita was by Ravana, in order to show that there were other examples in ancient times of virtuous people suffering at the hands of wicked people. Prof.Weber came to the conclusion that the Mahabharata version of ‘ramaaopa#yaanama\’ is more primitive than the Ramayana. According to him, the ‘ramaaopa#yaanama\’ could possibly be the original out of which the epic Ramayana was developed. He put forward another suggestion that the ‘ramaaopa#yaanama\’ of Ramayana and Mahabharata may probably be regarded as resting upon a common ground but each occupying an independent standpoint.

   This theory is not at all accepted by the traditional scholars. There are many internal and external evidences to corroborate the antiquity of Ramayana. As observed above the Mahabharata alludes to the story of Rama in the ‘vanapva- ’. It is even said that the story of Rama is too popular to need any detail. This itself proves the priority of the Ramayana. Further there is no mention in the Ramayana of any episodes found in Mahabharata. Many factors can be cited to strengthen the traditional view of the priority of Ramayana. Writing seems to have been unknown in the earlier epic which as we have been told was orally handed down to Lava and Kusa by Valmiki himself. On the other hand Lord Vigneshwara was requested to be the scribe to write down the Slokas of Mahabharata to the dictation of VedaVyasa. In the Ramayana we do not find any reference to the existence of any civilised kingdom in the South India which was mainly inhabited by monkeys. But in Mahabharata we come across references to kings from South India being received by Dharmaputra at his Rajasuya sacrifice. The art of fighting a war is seen in its most advanced stage in the Mahabharata. Many missiles were used and the art of forming vyuhas (arrays) were perfected. This can be compared to Rama’s army which consisted only of monkeys and bears who hurled only big stones and the like on the enemies and not tough weapons. The very test of archery at the Draupadi’s Swayamvara is an advancement over that of Sita’s Swayamvara. The complex nature of archery in the Mahabharata definitely shows a sign of later age.

    An analysis of character of heroine of Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively will also substantiate the priority of Ramayana. Sita is very simple and submissive to her husband whereas Draupadi questions Yudhishthira’s authority of to stake her in the dice play when he himself was enslaved. The standard of purity and morality was very high in Ramayana. Sita had to undergo fire ordeal to prove her chastity, but in Mahabharata Draupadi who was abducted by Jayadratha, was easily accepted by her husbands without any test of good conduct. This relaxation in such religious and ethical beliefs proves that the Mahabharata was of later age.

   The war between Rama and Ravana was only through fair means whereas in the Mahabharata the end justified the means howsoever questionable they might be, for the sake of victory. In the Mahabharata war every crime like false evidence and brutal murder is readily committed. This state of corruption and degeneration clearly points out to the later sceptic state of society.

   The poetic style of Ramayana is more simple and lucid befitting an Adikavyam as compared to that of Mahabharata that is more ornate and terse. We can thus say with certainty that Ramayana is ancient than Mahabharata.

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