Sunday, 19 June 2022



Sri Ahobila math Sanskrit college, Madurantakam, Tamil Nadu, has conducted a virtual conference titled “Svatantra Divasa Vyaakhyaanamaalaa” commemorating the forth coming 75th Independence day from 8th to 14th June “azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”. In that programme, I have been invited to deliver a lecture as a part of the series.

वीरभोग्या वसुन्धरा/Veerabhogya Vasundhara was the subject about which I delivered a talk for about 45 minutes in Sanskrit language. You can listen to it in Sanskrit here:

For the convenience of others I share some major points of the talk in English below:

Patriotism is the main concept dealt in the talk. About how our kings and queens fought for the Independence of our country. The love for the mother land made them to sacrifice everything and even lost their lives.

The love for the motherland is well explained by Adi Kavi valmiki in the Ramayana  - "Jananee janma bhoomischa Svargaadhapi Gareeysi."

This idea was Trans created by Tamil poet Subrahmanya Bharathi as "பெற்ற தாயும் பிறந்த பொன் நாடும் நற்றவ வானிலும் நனி சிறந்தனவே."

Like our mother  who feeds and  grooms us , In the same way our  mother land with her natural resources bless us with a peaceful life. Vishnupurana says that our  country India is the land of Gods and goddesses,  because of which the people of this country never pray to go to heaven as they are already in such a heavenly and sacred land.

 This mother land had many brave kings and queens. For protecting the country as well as their rights, they indulged in the freedom struggle with firm mind.  After many years even now those patriots are remembered for their bravery.

Among them, the kings like  The great Emperor Skandagupta ,Chandragupta Mourya, RanaPratap, Chatrapati Sivaji etc and the queens like Jhansi Rani Lakshmi Bai, Rani Rudramamba, Rani Velu Naachiyaar etc were few who were remebered with great pride and respect for their sacrifices for their motherland. They stand as an example show casing their patriotic zeal.

The objective of this session is to impart the patriotic spirit among young generation and to develop and uphold  the same through out their lives. The talk shares many interesting informations about the great kings and queens of this country who fought with valour in the freedom struggle.

References from Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Vishnupurana and Bhagavatham were quoted for convenience of understanding and to familiarize with the verses stated in the ancient texts.

Veerabhogya Vasundhara puts forth the greatness and abundance of wealth in the form of resources as well as the courage and bravery of the people of this land.

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