Tuesday, 21 June 2022

“Free rein to thoughts” by Arthi Bharath


Arthi Bharath’s e-book titled “Free rein to thoughts” is packed with real-world and practicable ideas.  These are life-leading modules each of which help the readers’ life to the next level.  The title itself witnesses the theme of the book and the erudition of the author.  Choosing the back-grounds and images to the themes justify the propriety of the quint-essence of this awesome manual.  Every reader should take a few minutes here and there to read these prompting to maintain them-selves of the good in the world.  These quotes are the key to happiness, fulfilment and regret-free life.  If anyone is reading this book, they certainly experience that the book flows very simply with heart-warming ideas and makes for an engaging read.  These timeless modules warm the readers’ heart, lift their spirit and enrich their life with proper understanding.

The quotes Blinding need to belong and Fear of Judgement suggest us to be mentally strong.

The quote about Oil Lamp highlights the yogic power which helps to have the calm mind.

The quotes about Parenting reveal the aches and hurdles faced by the parents and also how they overcome it.

The quote–Sum total helps us to mold ourselves properly in any sort of crisis.

In this shrinking world, the relationship also become shrunk. We are the real human being, only when we share our ideas, converse with others and mingle in the society. Author emphasis this in quote number no: 8

To start any work, we have to plan in it in a proper way. Author tells this in other words to think twice to do any act.

 Quotes on Success urges us to be more successful and make it a continuous process. Achieving goals indicates the success and it is the stepping stone to lead ahead always. These ideas are shared by the author in her beautiful words.

Though there are definitions for Love, Music and Language, actually all these are Anirvacaneeyam i.e., inexplicable like Brahman (Supreme Soul).

Where there is a will there a way is the idea inferred from the resilience and hope. I quote “Resilience is the ability to bounce back from disasters or difficulties” from the page no.18.   In Sanskrit Literature success is defined as this: “the success of action always depends on the will but not on the tool.”

I thank the team of Blog chatter for giving this opportunity to read and review this collection of quotes which were wonderful, heart-warming and highly meaningful.

The aim of this book is to set forth, in the simplest possible way, some of the ideas to be considered as the guidelines to lead our life healthy and happy. 

There are many forms of literature in English which differ themselves with genres.  Belonging to this twenty first century, there are many new systems found and followed by us.  Keeping this in my mind, I quote the beautiful saying of William Henry Hudson, “Every reader should regard and read “the new works of new days,” with a constant sense of relative values, and a desire always to discriminate so far as possible between what is genuine and what is factitious."

{This e book review is a part of Blogchatter's E Book carnival 2022}


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  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...