Friday, 7 January 2022



 Kali-Vidambanam is a satire in Sanskrit written by Neelakanta Dheekshita who lived in 18th century A.D.  In the following five verses he digs at the Astrologers of his time.  But all the verses are applicable for modern days as even now people flock to the astrologers to address their sufferings.

Puthra Ithyeva Pithari Kanyakethyeva Maathari  l

Garbha-prasneshu kathayan Daivajno Vijayee bhaveth ll 1 ll

          That Astrologer will become successful who says ‘son’ to the father and ‘daughter’ to the mother in the enquiry of pregnancy.

Aayuf prasne Dheerghaamaayuh Vaachyam Mouhoorthikair janaih l

Jeevantho bahu manyanthe Mruthaaf prakshyanthi kim punah ll 2 ll

          The Astrologer should say ‘long life’ in the question of longevity of a person.  If, by chance, they live long, they will respect the astrologer, and, in case they die, whom will the dead ask?

Sarvam koti dvayopetham sarvam kaaladvayaavadhi l

Sarvam vyaamisramiva cha Vakthavyam Dhaiva-chinthakaih ll 3 ll

          If the Astrologers want to be successful, they should speak everything with two options, everything within two points of time and everything in a confused way.

Nirdhanaanaam dhanaavaapthim Dhaninaam adhikam dhanam l

Bruvaanaas sarvathaa graahyaah lokair jyouthishikaa janaah ll 4 ll

          Such Astrologers are accepted in the society who talk of acquisition of money (wealth) for the poor and acquisition of more money for the rich.

Naimitthikaas svapna-drusah Devathopaasaka ithi l

Nisarga-satravas srushtaah Dhaivajnaanaam amee thrayee ll 5 ll

          Three natural enemies are created for Astrologers.  They are  Naimitthikas = People who predict through omens; Svapnadrusah = People who interpret the dreams; Devathopaasakaah = People who predict things after worshipping the Gods and Goddesses.

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