Friday, 28 January 2022


 “Soumanasya Suktam” or hymn from Atharva Veda is found in the form of Advice.  In this, a certain vedic sage advises people to live in harmony and never to quarrel among themselves.  The sage explains the nature of harmony in this hymn which is one of the many secular hymns.

“Sahrudayam soumanasyam avidvesham krunomi yah l

  Anyo anyam abhiharyata vatsam jaathamivaadhnyaa ll 1 ll”

Oh! People! I make you like-hearted, like-minded, and free from hostility.  You be gratified (show affection), one towards the other, as a cow towards her new born calf.

So, without expecting any return, we shall make others pleased with us.

“Maa bhraathaa bhraatharam dvikshan

  Maa svasaaram utha svasaa l

  Samyanchas savratho bhoothva

  Vaacham vadhathu bhadhrayaa ll 2 ll”

Oh! People! Let not brother hate brother, nor sister hate sister.  Becoming of like courses and of like actions, speak words auspiciously (carefully).

Thus, brothers and sisters should lead a life of good movements, good understanding and doing good-things to one another.  We must have unity of thoughts, words and deeds of course, all being auspiciously.

Let us preserve this unity of mind, speech and actions, through which results immortal happiness.

Friday, 21 January 2022



    Business in Sanskrit Literature is termed as  (वाणिज्यम्)  Vanijyam and it can be defined as गृह्णाति प्रतिगृह्णाति which means get and give.  This can be of a product or a service.  Everything is done for a certain amount which is termed as cost of the product or service.  Here nothing is free.  

    All the dealings in a business is done in terms of a value called money.  (In India INR/Rupees).  These days business sectors are expanding and moving quickly with the help of e-commerce where in the seller and buyer need not meet in person, bargain and no need to stand in long queues and not to fight over the change/ the balance amount, reminding the words "TENDER EXACT CHANGE" is not at all necessary. 

    No cheques and demand drafts are needed instead the payments are  completed with NEFT, IMPS, UPI, ,Cards and special feature of MSME BANKING runs in almost all banks.

These payments facilities easy buying and selling process. Just choose the product and payment within minutes only exact amount. No extra fee is charged by the Banks or the seller. At times many offers and cash backs are provided for utilising these mode of payments.

 In transactions with E-commerce sites the secured feature of the bank accounts really matters a lot in up lifting customers satisfaction there by they feel secured to use the same. 

Money matters a lot for the customers and in a way to save his/ her money he/she choses online sites for lesser cost and discount options. There he/she doesn't like to lose money during transactions or involve in risk dominating process.  If such things happen and long process is involved in the online payment then, the customer quietly go for physical shopping.

The secured process of payments through OTP to their registered mobiles and a message to check about all the debit transactions  assures the customer to be tension free about their payments. The day, one gets the Net banking service from their banks, the hassle free cash dealings enters their life. Carrying high amount of cash and getting lost in the travel are the stories of bygone days. 

Every transaction goes digital and is secured which makes the customer reap its benefits and enjoy his/her shopping fully.

With this type of options for payments in the on line shopping makes customer choose the best way of payment and not to worry about the loss of money. This is one of the various reasons of success of on line shopping.

With many easy options of payments that can be done with a click in the mobile phones too have a double check before making payments. All the payment getaways are keen in safe and secured process of handling the customers money.

By these a lot of cash transaction has been minimised and  many prefer to go for this cashless transactions. The advancement in technology has brought  a profound impact in cash handling. Online businesses flourished with the help of banking sectors co operation and the trust of the customers on their banks. 

RBI too revises rules and regulations at timely intervals and cautions the customers to be alert and not to share their OTP and PIN numbers , passwords with others. This brings in an  secured environment of more improvised e commerce transactions.


  This blog post is part of Blogchatter's campaign #ECommerceBuildsEconomy


Thursday, 20 January 2022

Practical truth on foolishness in his famous work Neethi Satakam by The Great Sanskrit Poet Bhartruhari


Bhartruhari was a great scholar in the Sanskrit literary world.  He has written three books each containing one hundred slokas.  They are collectively called and popularly known as Satakatrayee or Subhaashita Thrisathee viz., Srungaara Sathakam (Romantic),  Neethi Satakam (Ethical) and Vairaagya Sathakam (Philosophical).  Though the personal life of this poet-author neither definite nor reliable, undisputedly he was a man who enjoyed the life to its lees and finally turned to ascetic life.  His date was said to be in the 7th century A.D.

Neethi Sathakam:-

         This is a book of ethics or moral teachings.  It shows how one has to mould his behaviour and also teaches with what attitude one has to lead his life happily.  There are ten chapters dealing with instructions with ten slokas each by which, if one can understand and practise these codes of conduct certainly he becomes a successful citizen.  Just the following points which caution us to be away from foolishness.

1.    An ignorant person can be easily satisfied as well as the erudite scholar.  But a person proud of his limited and little knowledge can’t be satisfied even by the Creator.

2.    One can forcibly take out a jewel from the jaws of crocodile;  he can cross the sea full of high waves; he can even put on his head the irritated snake like a flower, but he cannot please a foolish man of strong notions.

3.    One can prevent fire with water; the heat of the sun with an umbrella; an elephant in rut (Intoxicated) with sharp goad; an ox and ass with a stick; the illness by taking medicine and an effect of poison with the use of various mantras (Sacred Spells).  Thus the scriptures have prescribed remedies of everything.  Nut for a fool there is no medicine.

4.    A person, having no knowledge in literature, music and any form of arts is in reality, an animal without a tail and horns; it is to the extreme good luck of actual animals that he lives without eating grass.

5.    It is better to roam in the inaccessible regions of mountains in company of wild animals or foresters.  But in the company of fools it is not good to reside even in the palaces of god of gods.     

Thursday, 13 January 2022




Manasollasa is a book of encyclopaedic nature in Sanskrit Language which deals about all the essential things of royal people of the old era. The author is Somesvara who ruled the Southern India in 12th century AD.  He has explained about political issues, governance, economics, architecture, astrology, zoology, food and its preparations, amusements, perfumes, literature and music and dance in detail.

The structure of the book is of five volumes with twenty chapters in each volume. Totally there are 100 chapters.

Meaning of Manasollasa:

It is termed with two words Manasa and Ullasa which means the things that rejoice the mind.

Especially the fourth volume of this book is called “Bhartur Upabhoga Karana” which means food and entertainment to the King (Bharta = leader i.e, King; Upabhoga = Entertainment or enjoyment; Karana = reasons)

In this volume, the 13th chapter deals about the varieties and preparations of food. At the end of the chapter, the author insists that the particular food needs to be consumed in the particular season.

“Vasante Katu chaasneeyath Greeshme madhura seethalam 

Varshaasu cha thathaa kshaaram madhuram saradhi smrutham

Hemanthe snigdham ushnam cha sisire (a)pyushnam amlakam

Evam bhunjeetha yadh Bhoopo Annabhogas sa kathyathe

In the spring season (Vasanta), one should consume the hot food i.e prepared with chillies and peppers; in the summer (Greeshma), sweet and cold food like fruits, Payasam tender coconut etc.; in the rainy season (Varsha), the saltish and pungent food; in the autumn (Sarad), food with pleasing sweet; in the winter (Hemanta), food with oil, hot and worm and in the cold season (Sisira), food with sour, hot and worm.


Preparation of rice: (Verses 1350 – 1357)

After having removed the husk of chaff of the paddy, the rice should be soaked in the water for a while. Then the copper or mud-made utensil is to be used for cooking rice. The ratio of the water and rice is 3:1 before cooking. By keeping on the stove or oven, the cooking vessel should be covered the whitened cloth with weight or covering plate. In the stove or oven the fire should be kept in the sim mode and maintained without smoke. When it boils with bubbles one should check the perfection of the rice form and filter the ferment with the help of cloth.

Preparation of Roti/Chappathi, Poori and Poli: (Verses 1376 – 1392)      

After getting the wheat flour from the grinding stone, it should be refined with sieve, mix with ghee, salt and thick milk and is to be pounded with hands by keeping the wooden vessel.  Then it is to be made many with ball shape and spread like a soft cloth with the rolling pin. Then it is to be put on the frying pan and turn it by tongs. Then the cooked roti is to be taken from the pan with a spatula before it turn into black.  The same method is to be practised for making Naan, Poori and Poli.  

Preparation of Dosas(Dhosakas) and Vada: (Verses 1393 – 1394)

Mixing the rice with Urud dhall and is to be soaked in the water, and should grind it with water and make a thick liquid. In the next day it is to be mixed with salt, Cumin and asafoetida powder and to be poured on the frying pan in the circle shape.  Meanwhile little drops of oil to be applied around it when cooked.

Preparation of Idli and Vadagam: (Verses 1401 – 1410)

Mixing the rice with Urud dhall and is to be soaked in the water, and should grind it with water and make a paste. In the next day it is to be cooked as idlies.  Then the cooked idlis can be fried in the oil which is named by Gharikaas.


Friday, 7 January 2022



 Kali-Vidambanam is a satire in Sanskrit written by Neelakanta Dheekshita who lived in 18th century A.D.  In the following five verses he digs at the Astrologers of his time.  But all the verses are applicable for modern days as even now people flock to the astrologers to address their sufferings.

Puthra Ithyeva Pithari Kanyakethyeva Maathari  l

Garbha-prasneshu kathayan Daivajno Vijayee bhaveth ll 1 ll

          That Astrologer will become successful who says ‘son’ to the father and ‘daughter’ to the mother in the enquiry of pregnancy.

Aayuf prasne Dheerghaamaayuh Vaachyam Mouhoorthikair janaih l

Jeevantho bahu manyanthe Mruthaaf prakshyanthi kim punah ll 2 ll

          The Astrologer should say ‘long life’ in the question of longevity of a person.  If, by chance, they live long, they will respect the astrologer, and, in case they die, whom will the dead ask?

Sarvam koti dvayopetham sarvam kaaladvayaavadhi l

Sarvam vyaamisramiva cha Vakthavyam Dhaiva-chinthakaih ll 3 ll

          If the Astrologers want to be successful, they should speak everything with two options, everything within two points of time and everything in a confused way.

Nirdhanaanaam dhanaavaapthim Dhaninaam adhikam dhanam l

Bruvaanaas sarvathaa graahyaah lokair jyouthishikaa janaah ll 4 ll

          Such Astrologers are accepted in the society who talk of acquisition of money (wealth) for the poor and acquisition of more money for the rich.

Naimitthikaas svapna-drusah Devathopaasaka ithi l

Nisarga-satravas srushtaah Dhaivajnaanaam amee thrayee ll 5 ll

          Three natural enemies are created for Astrologers.  They are  Naimitthikas = People who predict through omens; Svapnadrusah = People who interpret the dreams; Devathopaasakaah = People who predict things after worshipping the Gods and Goddesses.


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...