Saturday, 15 April 2017

मर्कटा: ( शिशु गीतम् - Sisu geetam = Rhymes )

               Image result for Images of monkeys playing with themselves in the trees

v&]e kpy> invsiNt zaoasu c te oeliNt,

daelaoela< zaoa< x&Tva n&TyiNt te nNdiNt. 1.

trsa tIre kUdRiNt tarXvinna ³NdiNt,

c[kadInip cvRiNt caé ivhsn< kuvRiNt. 2.

klhai_any< kuvRiNt v&]aTv&]e inptiNt,

tIre nIre àptiNt SveCDya olu ivhriNt. 3.

imÇE> sh te nNdiNt pÇE> sh te ³IfiNt,

bldzRnmip kuvRiNt bala> †ò!va h;RiNt. 4.

        Image result for Images of monkeys playing with themselves in the trees

1 comment:


  Zatayupa was an ancient sage and a king of the Kekaya kingdom. He gave up his throne to his son and went to the Kurukshetra forest to me...