Sunday, 4 November 2012

Origin and development of Sanskrit

Image result for images of the language sanskrit

          Samskrtm i.e., Sanskrit is the ancient language of Hindu inhabitants of India
 Its origin can be  traced back to the Aryan civilization.  The script of this language is
 known as Devanagari.  It has gotfifteen vowels and thirty three consonants. 
These express distinctly different shades of pronunciation.
It is also known for its phonetic perfection.

          Sanskrit flourished more in written form than as a spoken language.  Sanskrit
literature is vast and has got spread worldwide.  It has been taught in many parts of the
world.  This language has got three genders namely a) Masculine, b) Feminine and
c) Neuter.  The gender of the word in this language does not depend on the meaning
it conveys.  One more peculiar phenomena of this language is the dual number
which represent two persons or objects.

           The grammatical aspect of this language is more refined and well structured.  
It helps to learn more clearly without any confusion.  The two great Epics
Ramayana and Mahabharata were written in Sanskrit by Valmiki and VedaVyasa
respectively.  These two works form the basis even for the great poets like Bhasa, 
Kalidasa, Bana etc.  Sentiments like Romance, Bhakti are deeply expressed
in the Sanskrit literature.

            In today’s world also scientific, medical, numerological and statistical 
references  are being taken from Vedic texts.  Sanskrit literature is the greatest
treasure of India.  People from all parts of the world have come to India in search
of that treasure in past and have benefited by it. 

            Apart from these literary works, Sanskrit has encompassed with many
devotional lyrics, hymns and slokas.  Learning Sanskrit will help to gain the knowledge
both in educational as well as in spiritual aspects.

           Sanskrit is the mother tongue for the people of Maddhur village in 
Karnataka State.  This highlights the unique quality of Sanskrit.

           The great pride of Sanskrit lies in BhagavadGita.  It comprises of 
eighteen chapters and seven hundred slokas.  To propagate the human values
instilled in it , it is also made in to a film.

           The Universities like Benaras Hindu University, Rashtriya Samskrita
Vidyapeetha, Nalanda University provided a platform for the research in
Sanskrit language.  These helped to bring out the richness and essence of the language.

           Still there is a lot to discover and infer from this language.

                                                     Image result for images of the language sanskrit                    

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