Thursday, 5 September 2024



षट् = SIX

6 is the smallest perfect number, which are numbers that are equal to their aliquot sum, or sum of their proper divisors. It is the largest of the four all-Harshad numbers (1, 2, 4, and 6), where it represents the sum between the first prime and composite, 2 and 4. 6 is a pronic number and the only semiprime to be.

In Numerology, 6 is the "Mother" of all numbers since it links families and keeps people together. Because numerology number 6 is trustworthy, sympathetic, gentle, and loving, they should work in teaching, nursing, and assistance. Their family-protective nature might make them good security or border security officers.

The number 6 is considered as a highly loving and balanced number in numerology. It stands for responsibility, love, and caring. The number 6 is essential in Hindu Puranas because it is linked to the six heavenly attributes, or 'Shadguna,' which are crucial character traits for growing.

The number 6 is unique because it is related to the nurturing and loving attributes of a person. People with the numerology number 6 are too protective of their inner circle and are constantly ready to function as a tower of strength. These people are supposed to help others.

In astrology, the number 6 is linked to Venus, the planet of beauty, romance, money, and indulgence. Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, both of whom are great lovers and ardent fans of living the good life. Venus gifts people with charm, charisma, beauty (inside and out), and purity.

In Sanskrit, the following words indicate the number 6:-

1)  षड् ऋतवः (वसन्त, ग्रीष्म, वर्ष, शरत्, हेमन्त, शिशिर-ऋतवः) = Six Seasons = Spring,                                          Summer, Rainy, Winter, Cold and Autumn;

2) षड् रसाः (मधुर, आम्ल, लवण, कटु, कषाय, तिक्त-रसाः) = Six Tastes = Sweet, Sour,                                                                  Salt, Hot, Bitter and Pungent;

3)   षड् दर्शनानि (सांख्य, योग, व्याकरण, न्याय-वैशेषिक, पूर्व मीमांसा, उत्तर मीमांसा) =

Six Schools of Philosophy = Saankhya, Yoga, Grammar, Logic, Vedic Rites and Vedantas;

4) षडङ्गानि (शिक्षा, व्याकरणं, छन्दः,निरुक्तं, कल्पः, ज्यौतिषम्) =

Six Auxilliary subjects for understanding the Vedic texts =               Pronunciation, Grammar, Prosody, Etymology, RitualTreatises       and Astronomy with Astrology;

5) षड् रिपवः or अरयः or शत्रवः (काम, मोह, क्रोध, लोभ, मद, मात्सर्याः) =

Six Internal enemies = Desire, Delusion, Anger, Greediness,                                                   Madness and Jealousness';

6) पषण्मुखः (देवसेनाधिपतिः श्रीसुब्रह्मण्यः) = Six-Faced Lord or God of War =

Lord Murugan;

7) षण्मतानि (वैष्णवम्, शैवम्, शाक्तम्, कौमारम्, गाणापत्यम्, सौरम्) =

Six Schools of worshipping the deities =                           Vishnu, Siva, Sakti, Murugan, Ganapathi and Sun;



(This blog post is a part of Blogchatter's Half Marathon 2024)

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