Monday, 17 June 2024



 A prayer or invocation is offered before eating. The act of consuming food is considered to be a Yajna (sacrifice) and the offering goes to the divine authority called Jataragni, the digestive fire in the belly. It is that principle that breaks down the food consumed into a form that can be supplied through the blood for the whole body. The creative energy in the food (Annam) is Brahma. The nourishing energy (Rasa) in the body is Vishnu. The transformation of food into pure consciousness is Shiva. If you know this, then any impurities in the food you eat will never become part of you.

Om Annapathe Annasya no dehyanameevasya sushminah l

PraPradhaathaaram thaarisha OOrjam no dhehu dhvipadhe chathushpadhe l

Dear God! Thanks for giving us food today.  May this food be (nourishing) good for my body, mind, and soul.  Please provide food and peace to all people, animals and all creatures, at all times.

Annam Brahmaa Rasam Vishnur Bhokthaa Devam Janaardanam  l

Evam Dhyaathvaa thathaa jnaathvaa Annadhosho na lipyath ll

          Food is Brahma, the essence in it is Vishnu, and the one who consumes (enjoys) it is Maheshwara the Lord Himself. If you know this, then any impurities in the food will not become a part of you.

Yantu Nadayo Varshantu Parjanyaah, Supippalaa Oshadhayo Bhavantu,

Annavataam Odanavataam Amikshyavataam, Yeshaam Raaja Bhooyaasam

Odanmudbruvate. Parameshtii Vaa Eshah Yadodanah.

Paramaamevainam Shriyam Gamayati.


May the rivers flow and the clouds give rain.  May the plants yield good harvest.  May I became the king of all those having plenty of foods, boiled rice, curd and milk.  Food is praiseworthy.  This food os verily Brahma the creator.  This will lead to the greatest prosperity in the form of health and wealth.

Maa Bhraata Bhraataran Dwikshan, Maa Swasaaramutaswasaa,

Samyancha Savrataa Bhuutvaa, Vaacham Vadata Bhadrayaa

Let no brother hate his brother.  Let no sister hate her sister.  With proper courteous behaviour and bound by a vow, always speak pleasant and auspicious words.

Brahmarpranam Brahma havir Brahmagnau Brahmana hutam

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samaadhinaa

Any process of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the instrument of offering is Brahman, the fire to which the offering is made is also Brahman. For such a one who abides in Brahman, by him Brahman alone is reached.


  1. What a fantastic read! As someone interested in Sanskrit, I find this post really connecting. It reminds me of my school days when we would chant a Sanskrit Shloka before lunch. It's time for me to recall that Shloka and get back to restoring that habit.

    1. Good to know that you are going to restore your habit



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