Saturday, 18 May 2024


Yajurveda contains both prose passages called Yajus and Verses called Ruks.  The following is a Yajus generally sung at the end of a sacrifice.  In content and flavour, it resembles the BharataVakya (Epilogue) in the post-Vedic Dramatic literature.  This Mantram is chanted for the welfare of our nation.


ॐ आब्रह्मन्  ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मवर्चसी जायताम्।
आ राष्ट्रे राजन्यः शूर इषव्योअतिव्याधि महारथो जायताम्।

दोग्ध्री धेनुर्वोढ़ाअनडुवानाशुःसप्तिः ।
पुरन्धिर्योषा जिष्णु रथेष्ठा सभेयो युवास्य।

यजमानस्य वीरो जायताम्।निकामे निकामे नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु।
फलवत्यो न ओषधयः पच्यन्ताम्
योगक्षेमो नः कल्पताम्।।

O! Brahman! Let there be born in our nation Brahmin, the pre-eminent in sacred knpwledge;

Let there be born Kshatriya, the valliant, skilled in archery, exceedingly piercing great fighter;

Let there be born the cow yielding abundant milk; the Ox, good at carrying, the horse swift going; the woman endowed with all good qualities, victorious man sitting on the chariot;

Let there be born youthful and heroic sons fit for attending the assembly, to this sacrifice.

May Parjanya, the god of clouds, rain as much as we desire;

May our fruit-bearing plants ripen;

May acquisition and preservation be possible for us.

                                            "UNITY IS STRENGTH"

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