Saturday, 10 February 2024


VemaBhupala also called Peddakomati VemaBhupala ruled the mandala called Addanki in Andhra region in the 1403-1420 A.D.  There many poets were patronised by him.  Among them there was a renowned poet by name Vamana-Bhatta Bana who contributed to the Sanskrit literature through his different genres.

Vamanabhattabana was the son of Kotiyajvan and Ommayi and his grandfather was Varadagnichit belonging to the first half of the 15th Century A.D.  He has written two mahakavyas namely 1. Nalabhyudaya with eight cantos and 2. RaghuviraCharitam with thirty cantos; and four plays namely 1. Kanaklekha Kalyanam with four acts a Natika, 2. SrngaraBhushana-Bana with one act, 3. ParvatiParinayam with five acts and 4.BanasuraVijayam with five acts; one lyric or KhandaKavya HamsaSandesam one aakhyaayika type GadyaKavya titled Veera-NarayanaCharitam or VemaBhupalaCharitam a historical prose romance with four Chapters and two lexico-graphical works namely         1. SabdaCandrika and SabdaRatnakara

VamanaBhattaBana described the life of his patron, the king Vemabhupala.  It is in imitation of Kalidasa’s Raaghuvamsam and AbhijnaanaSakuntalam.  Bana’s influence is found at every stage.  The author claims a rank by following the style of Subandhu, Bana, and KaviRaja.

History professors Dr.R.C. Majumdar, Dr. H.C.Raychudhuri and Dr. Kalikinkar Datta mentioned combine that ‘conditions under Turko-Afgans, the period was not entirely barren of important compositions in Sanskrit, religious as well as secular.  The more important plays of the time were HammiraMadaMardana by JayaSinghSuri, PratapaRudraKalyanam by Vidyanatha and ParvatiParinaya of VamanaBhattaBana were composed in Sanskrit.

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