Saturday, 26 August 2023


Svayambhuva Manu, the son of the creator Brahma, had two sons named Priyavrata and Utthaanapaada.  Utthaanapaada had two wives, Suruchi and Suneethi.  Suruchi gave birth to Utthama and Suneethi to Dhruva.

Utthaanapaada showed more favour towards Suruchi and Utthama than Suneethi and Dhruva.  Once Utthama sat on the lap of his father when Dhruva was sitting on the throne.  On seeing this, Dhruva wanted to sit along with his brother on the lap of father.  But fearing the displeasure and the presence of Suruchi, the king avoided Dhruva to seat on his lap.  But Dhruva kept on trying to do so.

On seeing this, Suruchi said to Dhruva, “Child! If you wish to sit on the lap of your father, you ought to have been born in my womb. But you are not deserved.” Having heared this piercing words of Suruchi, disturbed Dhruva ran to his mother Suneethi and conveyed everything.

On seeing the pathetic condition of his mother, Dhruva made a vow.  “I will get a position unattainable even for my father, by my own endeavour.”  Then he started to forest to attain self-renunciation and practiced the severe penance like elders like saints, even in his childhood.

Dhruva performed his penance as per the advice of the seven-sages, rigorously in the region of MadhuVanam.  The frightened Indra, the lord of gods failed in his mission, who tried to disturb Dhruva by all means.

At last Mahavishnu appeared before him and touched Dhruva’s cheek with His Conch Paanchajanya.  Dhruva requested for a lofty, and eternal place which would become a prop of the world.

Accordingly, Mahavishnu pointed out to Dhruva, a noble place,higher than the planets, stars Saptarishis (Ursa Major) and the devas who travelled in aeroplanes.

Mahavishnu gave boon by saying that “Dhruva would live in a lofty place as a star till the end of Kalpa and his Mother Suneethi would also remain as a star near the Lord Siva, as long as Dhruva lived.

(This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon)


  1. You're doing a great service to the world bringing Dhruva to the world that is deprived of Karnas.



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